Nimbus The Legend - Riding on air like a cloud

Can we stop talking about ethics in journalism already, sounds like that other ‘gate’ freakin gamergate...

you ever hear of the story of the cia bringing drugs into america, or them looking for japanese imperial gold in the philippines, how about the 1930s US occupation of nicaragua? How about Honduras in the 1900?

oh dear god, the comments about journalistic integrity and the ones comparing this aka “pissgate” to “pizzagate” make me want to throw up....

its no longer just gossip if the FBI and the CIA are investigating it...

ugh... the jury is still out on libertarians... you can thank the tea party bros for that...

As a minority who has had slurs used against him, i can tell you that those people who get all sensitive about a mistake in “proper” terminology have never been oppressed by the terminology they find offensive.

i dunno man, as a minority, i feel like i have to walk on eggshells around my white peers, and hide my culture and be less ethic, lest i be that guy “throwing race in their faces all the time”...

im an idealist, and i agree with this assessment...

Golden showers might explain why his skin is so orange! His hookers must eat a lot of carrots!

sadly, you might be correct...

Boogie, you would be dope on the warriors! just sayin

Initially ACA was supposed to be tax funded healthcare like canada and the uk, but you right wingers fucked that up too because insurance is a billion dollar industry with many senators and congressmen invested in it... they used the “all those people who work in the insurance industry will lose their jobs!” line, and


Its funny that these people chose a man with born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who didnt work hard to get any of his wealth, (he better be thankful for his daddy) to be the “working class’ savior”...


like there has been any reasoning with the right at anytime these past 8 years?!

this is just the tip of the iceberg... the real scary news will pop up soon... its only a matter of time

TL:DL - angry (alt-?)right winger who’s angry that the left wing is emulating the past 8 years of right wing behavior...

“state of public calamity”

nah, its gotta be the 20 year old stadium #sarcasm