
Same. It's good to see how reasonable and respectful we can be here in the A.V. Club comments and not have some stupid Supergirl vs. Jessica Jones or DC vs. Marvel argument like the rest of the internet loves to engage in.

(1) Does Barry have anyone in the pipeline at the moment? I thought Iron Heights could contain metahumans now, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Central City views Flash as a hero. There's no danger of him being arrested.

I'd agree but I think Patty being on the metahuman task force in addition to being his girlfriend puts her in a unique position where she has the right to know.

I think they've tied it in with the main plot pretty well. Sara has a long history on the show and is a fan favorite. Even if they're clearly doing it to set up LoT, at least she isn't some new character we don't care about like the new Firestorm. The Damien Dahrk connection seems natural as well. He's an expert on

If it was a Huntress episode, that'd explain why I don't remember it. "Mobbed up to the eyeballs" sounds right.

There was an episode where Lance said "I'm up to my eyeballs in . . . " something. Anyone remember the episode and what he was up to his eyeballs in? It's minor meme status has made me forget what the original was.

As other have observed, Barry would be more upset if it were Felicity and wouldn't have been late. He just seems to be there for moral support.

I'm glad Lance is gonna get some before he's up to his eyeballs in dirt come April.

Since they had each others phone numbers, I had just assumed they had contacted each other at least once since Oliver got off the island. Maybe he learned more about what Constantine does then.

They should have him show up every October for Halloween.

Last week was probably first time I didn't zone out during an Iris scene. I'm still not a her biggest fan, but I think they've got a better grasp on how to write her. Like Alana said, they don't force her into scenes where she's not needed. She's Barry's friend and Joe's daughter, not a integral member of Team Flash,

How is Laurel one of the best parts of Arrow? The whole Sara resurrection thing showed she's just as horrible as she's always been. The only difference now is that she does awkward fight scenes in addition to being horrible/boring.

Four if you count Legends of Tomorrow (fingers crossed). If only we had Constantine on Fridays. :/

"And that ending fight. How about Supergirl and Astra hit each other like half a mile away with each punch. They rip through building after building, each one collapsing around them as they battle. Then Supergirl snaps her aunt's neck like a Neanderthal and collapses to the ground screaming. Everyone will love it."

Would you settle for him ogling Oliver on the Salmon Ladder?

Constantine's bisexual in the comics, right? I heard NBC didn't want Constantine showing any interest in men on the show, but since the CW doesn't seem to care about that, I could realistically see Constantine hitting on Oliver next week.

I go back and forth between Arrowverse and Berlantiverse. Aesthetically I like DCW, though since Supergirl may crossover in the future, it's not necessarily restricted to the CW. I also wonder if we're to take the 13 episodes of Constantine to have happened in this universe since he's now on Arrow.

Like others have pointed out, Oliver is becoming Stephen Amell. He even has his own social media fan base.

Given that the characters of the Arrowverse clearly have free will and have alternated time before, he isn't determined to marry Iris. The future's already changed anyway with Eobard Thawne not existing.