
I’d argue that being the leak doesn’t make the person “good”. It may be delightful to an anti-Trumper to hear these stories and we all hope they’re true and will result in him gone, but each leak seriously affects how people view the US Government. Not just non-Trump voters but foreign Governments. This is fuel for US

I’d go with Melania. I’ve been expecting 45 to chuck her since the poll results came out that she’s more popular than him. She might as well do some damage before the door hits her on the way out.

I guess now Kylie can go on a manic diet and exercise regime, and come out of hiding.

Even further off topic I haven’t seen anything on Peter Thiel buying gawker. I thought that would have got a mention.

That’s terrible all around. I’m sorry you went through that.

Is he gaslighting us? Cos he’s definitely definitely racist.

It’s great that people are listening and taking action but I can’t help thinking women models complained about Terry Richardson for years and nothing was done till After Weinstein.

I agree with what you are saying but he is on cholesterol drugs. So we can still live in hope.

Um, it’s Ricky Martin. There’s no contest.

Does this mean 2018's going to be worse than 2017? Cos I spent a lot of time last year thinking ‘this is the moment the Republicans decide enough! and get rid of tangerine man’ and it never happened. I put on a lot of weight stress eating chocolate which I want to get rid of so I don’t have the heart attack I keep

Who wants to bet that once the baby’s born he applies for primary custody and child support. And she ends up having to defend her character while everyone turns a blind eye to that time he tried to kill her.

Maybe he meant serenity prayers; there were a lot of serenity prayers. An orange faced racist reciting nationalist crap with the background hum of serenity prayers would be some weird shit.

It gets my goat that celebrities, and some regular people, feel like they have to apologize for keeping pregnancy news to themselves. They should be able to deny it till they’re ready to share. Ideally, everyone would mind their own business but I know that’s too frigging hard for some.

Forget the teenagers, every single woman who crosses her path should ask her to define complicit.

...fetus ...evidence based science ...climate change

I really hope PJ has proof because this seems like the sort of comment Weinstein would sue over. I can imagine this type of conversation happens all the time off the record. It’s heartbreaking. They were two of my favorite actresses back in the day.

This may be hard to believe but parents are usually more worried about their kids disrupting other passengers than their own comfort. They’re just trying to get through the flight with minimal tears and screaming.

Why do they stop selling their Christmas coffee two weeks before Christmas? Am I missing something?

They are though. It’s why I eat so much delicious chocolate.

At some point, surely before 2020, the truth about 45's dementia is going to come out. What I’d like to know is who are the people covering it up right now and what happens to them when it comes out? Will anyone be accountable? Can he be forced to take his president’s physical? Also, will any of his supporters be