
Regarding Nordstream pipeline, this is pretty much what I had suspected for a long time. As for the dam...

How is this bitch going to be involved in her kid’s education of she can’t fucking read?

Sweet! The littel bastards are fairly common in my area, and bear strong resemblance to some mushrooms used in Asian cooking. Every decade or so, there will be a very sad story in the local papers.

Meh. The people that really NEED to care, don’t.

On this I think they should always post the raw images of a mass shooting, let people see the reality of it. If their face is still intact then blur out the faces. People are too far removed and don’t realize how much damage these weapons do to a human being. They watch youtube videos of a medical dummy getting shot

After he got out and started walking away, but before he got out of sight, I would have moved my car. Just for spite.

So none of this is on the cops being quick to send SWAT teams every time they get a call? Even if it’s a bomb threat? Because there were bomb threats called in to my high school a couple of times in the 90s and no one brought a SWAT team. I’m pretty sure what they sent was the bomb squad since, you know, that’s their

99% of males never do.  

Anyone who thinks this is confined to only Tesla, I have some bad news: any device that sends data to the cloud is suspect.

I’ve walked into my garage naked a few times and sentry mode is tripped. On one hand this is definitely a violation of privacy. On the other hand seeing my ugly ass might just be punishment enough for them.

Can't help but assume that a competitor stepped in and everything pretty much went on as before roughly 2.3 nanoseconds later.

If it was Russia, NATO would be parading the evidence around like it was Francis Gary Powers. It’s been six months. Are our intelligence communities -that- slow?

And what kind of manly man would “fear for his life” if someone throws a water bottle at his car?

If this is true, based on how much coffee I drink, I should be able to absorb other peoples’ diabetes and eliminate it on top of any risk I might have.

That thing looks like it’d tip over if you looked at it wrong.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a good thing coming from a company town. Every story has been of brutal mistreatment (economic, psychological or physical) of the people who lived there.

It’s very funny how he’s speedrunning the arc of every insane business tycoon including establishing a doomed company town 

Saying that an “Pro-Ukrainian Group” did it is one thing.

Weird how their unit patch is in English though.

Wait, so “closed-end crimp connectors” “can malfunction and overheat”? I think they misspelled “we cheaped out on undersized connectors.”