Niko Batallones

I used to write about television for a living, and even with that it was hard to keep up with everything!

He watches both in the mornings and at night, or so some (FAKE! SAD!) reports say.

I imagined the other possible effect of this is Trump stopping his television habit.

It's not as much laughing at it as it is recharging the battlers.

I wish they'd upload the uncut version of this. Eff the continuity jokes.

I'm glad you can still resist like this. In the Philippines it seems we have given up now…

And have the NFL pay for it!


Don't forget Mall-E!

The only question is: what would Jon Stewart do?

This is becoming a pretty specialized (and elite) way of showing off Trump. Which I have no qualms about, no.

"Were you in the Cape?"

No, the napkins are the emails Wikileaks leaked. Out of the server, into public view.

Radiohead concert?

Definitely, I say.

No mayonnaise … because pornography is a public health crisis.

Indecision 2016: Who Do You Watch Exactly?

Hilarie Burton? Don't mind if I do.

I assume he types one letter per hand.