
It should read 8 l per 100/km. It’s how the rest of the world states fuel economy.

Do you have an engineering background? There’s a lot of technical stuff with thermodynamic effieciency I’d need to go into to fully explain this. There’s also info I cannot give and topics I shouldn’t talk too much on due to various NDAs and security clearances.

Electrification and upgrading our rail infrastructure to be on the level that other developed countries have. Trucking really should only be used for short haul freight that is only a couple hundred miles away. Focusing on short haul trucking would also make it easier to electrification for trucking because then

According to the times article, it was 1000/yr in 2010, and has grown to 10k+. Thats the whole industry, dunno if more than these guys are doing it. They are making a killing on this, thanks to their campaign contributions and connections. Fuck our lives, right?

Yeah, but they are installing engines from the 90's... The 2 I had in last week were titled 2017, but the engines were from ‘91 and ‘92.

“That bill failed, but after the election of Mr. Trump, she turned to Mr. Pruitt to carve out an exemption to the new rule — scheduled to take effect last month — and presented him with the study from Tennessee Tech.”

Pictured: truck expert

How shocking.

A light curtain is only $361.

That’s probably the most surprising thing about all of this, that this fancy-ass automated parking system cannot detect something protruding beyond the borders of the parking space.

I’m surprise a system like that isn’t armed with laser sensors to see if something is in the way. The same way your average garage won’t shut if you walk past while it’s shutting.

This. Light sensors have been used for decades. Something about this story is weird from a mechanical standpoint.

I guess my question here is this looks like a really slick parking system, how can it not possibly have a sensor along the edges of the lift that detect an object? 

That really sucks, but it’s hard to blame on anyone but the owner.

No. It isn’t. Bonuses are un-budgeted and come at the discretion of management. If the company has a good year, bonuses get issued - maybe. They aren’t included in compensation agreements, not included in staffing budgets, and shouldn’t be included in household budgets because they aren’t guaranteed income. They’re

Except that they haven’t increased compensation. Employees didn’t get a wage increase, they didn’t see their benefits get strengthened, they didn’t see any sustainable, long-term increases to any retirement plan they may have. What they got was a one-time $500 donation from their employer, that depending on what the

Explain how these companies have saved money on taxes from a bill that just went into effect.

I mean, no, bullshit doesn’t usually fit most agendas that aren’t created by Republicans. Make no mistake, these paltry bonuses being somehow linked to tax cuts is a steaming, bloody heap of bullshit.

For what they are charging, I can’t believe they couldn’t come up with a better solution than plastic in a fake vent.