
I suspect that the charging just didn’t coincide with a politician’s use case. Most politicians seem to have very full appointment books, so he’s likely driving somewhere for a 30 minute meeting, then directly somewhere else for a 1 hour meeting, then to a new building for a 15 minute ribbon cutting ceremony, etc. If

But the Model S was handsome and generally well executed. The X and 3 are not good. Their proportions are just awful.

The picture is still funny, no matter what.


Holy shit

A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.

unlike regular SUVs, the Model X’s battery pack is mounted under the car’s floor

“the Senate Intelligence Committee is now demanding that the president hand over the “tapes” by June 23rd. So he has two weeks.”

I think the article has been updated since your comment.

BMW clearly wants attention. If you were genuinely trying to hide the design of a car, you wouldn’t have dozens of people standing around it taking pictures of it. It’s a media stunt to make people excited about a car that probably wont be very exciting.

That about sums it up.

What a fucking idiot.

yep. it’s a 6 series.

...and he just confirmed the intel came from Israel. Good grief...

We need more Torch on Tour articles. Every time you go out of the country or simply away from home, we get something awesome.

From what I understood reading this German article:
The blade was transported with the back resting on a secondary vehicle on the back. the guy in the GLS lorry hit the second vehicle (reasons unknown), knocked the blade from the trailer, and into a lorry coming the other way, both lorry drivers are injured.

The truck carrying the blade was exiting. Got hit in the back by another truck. Sends the blade flying in a third one.

Daily Mail... Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Guarantee this is bullshit and their “reporters” faked the whole thing like the scummy fuckers that they are. Daily Mail makes Breitbart look professional.

Do we have a non-Daily Mail source for this? Because, c’mon, Daily Mail, really?

the ban is not a ban