
The Huracan is much faster than the Aventador through turns and accel and decel because it’s lighter and smaller. Just cuz the Aventador takes off like a rifle shot and has a high top speed does not equate to better lap times because it’s a fat pig that’s been hitting all the weights.

It’s either that they fly me to Germany and let me see by myself, or they keep their glorified VW.

I guess that’s why we don’t need regulations.

There’s also the logistical problem of adding several hundred thousand or several million aircraft to the skies and somehow having adequate air traffic control to keep them from smashing into each other or the ground/tall objects.

Cute math but no one was harmed in the making of these calculations.

Ok so 1200 people are going to die from a bunch of sub 2.0l motors strapped to cars that maybe run for 2 hours a day (on average) taking their meat bags to and from work and the shops.. So what about all the 30 year old dump trucks that coal roll the whole interstate with there 6-12L motors running up to 12 hours day?

I’m not sure how these sorts of studies can have any validity given all the other factors in people’s lives that both potentially shorten and lengthen life spans. Until we can cut open a person and be like “yeah diesel fumes were a big factor here,” any numbers given just don’t have much merit.

The aggregate total deaths in Germany for one year is still less than the fallout from one bro-dozer at the local gym per day in Texas.

They’ve pre-killed 1200+ people!

Aggregate data is annoying. How is this provable that 1200 more out of like 500 million people died.

While I agree with you, the last time someone tried to integrate streamlined mirrors didn’t look so great.

Audis are not photogenic. However, I have seen the new A5 in person and I hate it.

It’s as bad as you think it is. I saw it at the Boston Auto Show earlier this year and it’s bad.


How’d you get out?

Uh, yeah they did. Did you even read the article?

How many people do you think will enlist/re-enlist with Trump in charge?

I’m all in on that Aston Martin

*looks at author, sees it’s not Torch*

If Jesus was tweeting this, he’ll still get attack by Christians.