
I’m not saying I agree with your assessment (though, I certainly do on some aspects of his legacy), but average at best is sounding really good right now considering what we’re going to be looking at in a couple weeks.

It’s interesting how all of the Trump voters have practically disappeared from the comment sections. Fucking cowards.

They are pretty excited about Trump repealing gas-guzzler tax. That’s positive, right? At least, I celebrated too when he won against all odds.

I said nothing about short term fluctuations. The plant wasn’t economically feasible, hence it was cancelled. Ford obviously doesn’t see a drastically increased demand for the Focus class auto at this point. They’ll revisit it again in a few years and we’ll see if they go through with the decision to set up a facility

“but can you blame him for wanting to keep jobs here. For one, would you rather have a car made in the U.S or Mexico?”

but can you blame him for wanting to keep jobs here.

Criticism of Trump’s tendency to Tweet inaccurate thoughts is fair game, regardless of your choice at the polls. If you voted for him, you should be admonishing him for this sort of rhetoric. He wasn’t chosen to manipulate private organizations. He wasn’t asked to praise himself. He wasn’t elected to redefine the

So who would pay this “border tax” on cheap compact cars? Oh right, America’s working poor. The same people who will pay the quadrupled food prices when he runs all of the low paid farm works out of the country. How to Bankrupt a Country in 3 Easy Steps.

it’s the only type of car his tiny hands feel at home in.

omg a typo on jalopnik... thats unpresidented!

He’s a billionaire a few times over

And based on estimates of what he inherited from his father, had he simply invested all his money in a way that roughly mirrored the gains of the S&P500, he’d be worth more than double that amount, about 8.3 billion. The man is an abject business failure. He performed less than 1/2 as well as the market.

The Carrier deal is especially troubling if we’re talking about “crony capitalism.” They still get to cut jobs (admittedly, fewer than they’d originally planned for) AND get special tax breaks from the feds AND get the good press of “keeping jobs in America.”

You made observations based on facts about the president elect. Thats all it takes to bash him since his assertions are based on fantasy.

You used logic to point out concerns about his administrative tactics. Sorry dude...

Who bashed Trump?

The funny part about both the Ford and Toyota tweets is that neither company was planning on moving any existing American jobs to Mexico.

Yes, right along with the deliberate distortions, completely made-up “facts,” outright lies.

“We don’t want THE GOVERNMENT controlling businesses!”

*trump starts telling businesses what to do*