
On average Germany paves most of its roads and Highways with pavement about twice as thick as U.S. roads. I believe they also use a more advanced asphalt compound.

I have also always found this to be interesting. The Bahn is rarely under construction like roads are here in the States. Here in Chicago we have 2 seasons, Winter and Construction. I have heard that a large part of the issue is that in America our roads only go so deep, while in Germany they are substantially thicker

America is tha exact opposite direction f you. We’re more of a spend less upfront for crappy roads that fall into disrepair within 2 years and then get redone after 5-10 depending on where you live and how high your taxes are.

“because they make interesting vehicles...really poorly.”

It’s possible that modernization is what he means. The tweet is somewhat ambiguous. Which is why, as a general matter, nuclear policy is not an appropriate topic for Twitter.

Too busy unbolting their hoods and doors to fill out an online survey.

Is... is there any support, outside Donald Trump’s warped mind, for an expanded nuclear arsenal?

He is stupid. Literally he is very very stupid. That is why.

Is... is there any support, outside Donald Trump’s warped mind, for an expanded nuclear arsenal? I could see support for modernizing the arsenal. But growing it? I don’t even think the GOP can get behind that. It’s not cheap to maintain the nuclear force, and we get literally zip-doodly-nothing out of creating a

Didn’t Trump run on the premise that Clinton was such a warmonger and wanted war with Russia? I would want to say I am confused. But to be honest, I am a lot more amused by your mental gymnastics. Do that backflip again!

Generic Concept Car Complaint Checklist:

That varies widely by industry. 30 days supply is exceedingly low for cars, but exceedingly high for, say, cut roses.

Maybe Zuck should have considered that there are several companies working on exactly what he is doing with more engineers and proven systems and trying to do this on his own was a waste of time.

Elon Muskrat

Elon was late for a lot of meeting during the R&D phase of the project.

I’d be more okay with this if they kept the Top Gear circuit and then built the houses around that. Who wouldn’t want to live on 69 Followthrough Way?

That’s an absolute upper limit, not a real world value.

I love how you cherry pick Tesla’s figures without bothering to understand what they mean. Just because the conversion efficiency is 80% doesn’t mean you can recover up to 80% of the energy, and at best if they claim the net efficiency of what is recovered is at best 64%, it’s 64% conversion efficiency of what is

I love how Silicone Valley was supposed to disrupt everything and be soooo damn different from all the industries that came before it, and here they are toadying and sucking up and trying to curry political favor as much as any Rockefeller or Carnegie ever did. Same old shit, different day.

The article says that there’s an outer glass cover to provide the aerodynamics for the interior headlights, so I don’t see snow and ice being an issue here. Unless you were making an entirely different point?