
I've been at the Airbus Bremen transport facility today (where they build a new hangar with a beluga-shaped cutout but an option for something larger, to load/unload even at bad weather), and as they told me they only built 5 due to the high costs and the outdated A300 platform, but as they do not suffice they are

Well in comparison it does seem somewhat reasonable, but there just isn't the market for something like this. Most people barely afford one car, and that is something practical (hatchback, wagon, van, SUV). With the BRZ being priced above the average income per year (though an arithmetic mean propably isn't the right

In Germany, the BRZ is at about $40.900, a GTI starts at $39.350, a BMW 320i at $50.900, a Miata would be starting from roughly $32.000, the Mustang hasn't directly been sold but would be starting around $42.000. So, nothing's cheap around here, but due to high prices most people can't afford even a "cheap/affordable

I don't think it increases internal competition, in fact the Up! family is a perfect case of Volkswagen milking more money off existing platforms. Through different brands, they are able to sell an existing model (already paid R&D, machinery costs etc.) at different price levels. Because they can't make the existing

German ADAC tests cars like this: they measure 0-100 km/h (0-60 mph, 9.6s in the PDF below I read some time ago), 4tht gear elasticity 60-100 km/h (37-60 mph, 6.5 seconds) which is a typical accelerating out of town condition and an overtaking situation in 2nd & 3rd gear from 60-100 km/h which would be 5.4 seconds in

I think the greatest opportunity about Apple's CarPlay would be that your infotainment system won't look like MS DOS compared to then-current systems in a few years. Through the connection you would have the chance to get a refresh/new system/new features on your cars computer just like you could with your mobile

In Europe/Germany, many cities already use large and growing fleets of electric/hybrid busses (and it works well) mostly to improve air quality, make a statement about environment, and I guess fuel savings won't be too shabby either thinking about the large masses/weights having to move in city traffic.
These usually

I really like the current A3 hatch/sportback, in person it has really nice and sharp lines with some boy racer appeal. The most mature/up to date and modern current Audi to me.

Mercedes needs to get their own high-end luxury brand after they failed with Maybach. Business is also quite good at the time, so they can afford to build a prestige project to compete against the German competition like VW (Porsche, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini) and BMW with Rolls Royce. It certainly would also

I get that "almost as fast" or slightly better fuel economy coupled with high diesel prices are no great selling points, as well as many Americans who mostly know diesels from old cars, trucks or agricultural machines dislike it and have a image of dirty, slow and unappealing engines.
But as technology has advanced and

There's a billionaire in my area who has a construction company and a farm.
All of his tractors, excavators, trailers, cranes and all construction equipment are high-end, pimped, everything lacquered in black (he has his own mechanic sub-company for this) and is always polished.
They do a lot, from farming (also as a

The headlights that high and above the side fenders make me think of a Fiat Multipla.

I don't think the numbers are that far off. You always have your current consumption in L/100km at the bord computer and can calculate it yourself.
If you drive somewhat clever and use your engine to slow down (manual driving 101) you get fairly reasonable numbers.
Last year I was driving a 2012 Ford Focus with the 1.6

Headlights and bonnet also are A1-style. Hard too see because the video get's darker.

I like how the R8-like rear blade goes around the passenger cell like a second chassis. The end looks somewhat like a round VW Golf from the future, an inconspicuos passenger vehicle from I, Robot or something. Insane. Like a space shuttle/futuristic vehicle/2050 VW Golf end is put at the end of a 3/4th BMW 3-series

I like how the R8 like rear blade goes like a second chassis around the passenger cell. Insane. Like a space shuttle/futuristic vehicle end is put at the end of a 3/4th BMW 3-series or Mercedes A/C/CLA or Audi A3/4 with the front of a sci-fi Golf.

America must be paradise.
In Germany, a V6 (even if small and not very powerful) is great.
You wear the "V6"-badge with pride on your Camry, not because you are boring to chose a Toyota, you chose the car because it has a large, powerful engine. Something cool and somewhat rare.
Not a 2 liter inline-4, you have 6

They also are the only kind of people in Europe who can say f*** the (relatively) high price, that it's not practical, that it consumes expensive gas (and lots of it), that it costs a fortune in taxes (high displacement) and an even bigger fortune to insure (sports car, fast, displacement) and that it on top is a Ford

Wallpaper-sized anywhere?