
"Site attacks and harrassing email from our clients competitors are tracked by" So they use a email tracking service who's opening line on their website is "Find out if your spouse is cheating on the Internet with a secret personal ad". Professional.

@zav: Hes already on it. Well not him know.

@computerkid: Could it have something to do with, Oh I dont know.. Smart phones are no longer new, and their are more developers now then their where in 2007? Or maybe that a lot of the Apps on the WP7 app store are available on iOS and Android and just had to be made for WP7, instead of being developed from the

My list of steve is now complete...

@Phendraana: I liked it better when hipsters couldn't afford (ugly) nice things :(

I think the worst thing about this is that they had a chance to interview her, and most of the questions where about Apple. Shows you where she is in the ladder of importance.

@gijenny01: Yes but it is Apple! The haters will always find something to complain about!

@vinod1978: I want to agree with you I REALLY do...but then I remember all the people I know who are addicted to this time waster. I thought at lease it would die with Facebook (whenever that might be) but then he was at the iPhone 4 release and I thought "oh know...they are expanding!"

@FriedPeeps: Will you still be our shopping mall?

@badhatharry: The natives live on the bad it's all good.

"Even text messages she KNOWS she should not be seeing" If she knows she should not be looking at them. why is she going to meet up with some guy at Costco, and another person for a pedicure?

@Sean Turvey: "Im Sorry we burnt your White House down during the war of 1812...I see you rebuilt it. it's nice!" -That guy from this hour has 22 Minutes. Still cracks me up...

Even iAds could not make the car look good...*sigh*

I thought Yahoo's pony was dead?

Jul 1, 2010 01:29 PM 2 Views 1 (now 2) Comments. Yahoo! is still important people!