“An Idiot in Cars”
“An Idiot in Cars”
One of the buttons opens up a hidden compartment under that center portion of the steering wheel, revealing 62 more buttons.
Solution to the touchscreen problem: stop fucking using touchscreens. I do not, under any circumstances, need a video screen taking up half my dashboard.
It's about $5,000 too expensive (costs about as much as a Passat), it's a bitch to modify, and the engine + drive wheels are in the wrong place.
The point of this is that it is NOT sexist to be disgusted that Lotus have gone for a marketing prospect that is purely eye candy and gender-box-ticking rather than any effort at all to bring on a fast and talented driver in the genuine purpose of the sport - ie going fast. It is an absolute fact that no male driver…
Ted, Cameraman Pete and Crofty are British treasures.
The Air + Space Museum on the Mall is a must see.
Then the Dauntless/Fireball was developed into a new Buick V6, which was later developed into the undying GM 3800. In these variations, the V6 was shared with every singe north american GM division including cadillac and also Holden.
I'm 73 years old right now. I have 4x last years in the bank. Haven't touched a dime since I retired at age 65. Wife and I are living off our SS income + a whopping $172 a month pension check. We still have money left at the end of the month. The key to retirement is, you must have NO debt, house paid off. I bought a…
Other than tracking down the whereabouts of Pruneface, I can't think of anything I'd need one for.
Do any of the vanilla media pricks who whinge about Bernie and his machinations ever stop to imagine how dull their column inches would be if Formula One was run by some ethical non-profit-making organization that reinvested the majority of revenues in the sport and the remainder in Eastern European orphanages? Nope.…