
ya we recommend using donor feces from someone who hasn't been in the hospital or been taking any antibiotics over the last 3 months and preferably someone who shares the same diet as the patient, typically a family member. this allows transplantation of gut flora that would be typical for that individual

i'll take one of these please

the dura surrounding the brain does though

there are absolutely ZERO studies that show that any type of 'screening' that involves imaging other than mammograms (for breast cancer) and ultrasounds (for males >50 who smoke) have offered any sort of advantage of detecting cancers early. The only reason we run these so called 'screens' is to cover our asses from

You got mail...!

hah i see what you did there!

well the original is available from the link at the end of the article 'photo remixed from an original by Cliff' that has higher res images but I would like one with the quotations on there. help us out lifehacker!!

venous stasis—>you see it in in pregnant women, CHF, etc. your appendage (typically legs due to gravity) will swell up, over time the skin will break down and form ulcers, takes forever to heal and is nasty to clean.

It's been tried, i'm a surgery resident myself. Getting info from patients about things that happened in their past is the most excruciating thing about medicine today. hence why i chose surgery as a career instead of internal medicine. Hopefully with the required integration in 2014 of electronic medical records

is there somewhere where i can get a high res version of that pic?? i'd love to set that as my background

supposedly getting rid of their free ipod with mac purchase this summer as well. replacing it with a $100 itunes gift card. so disappointed

in case you ever switch doctors, getting a hold of your old records is a pain in the butt. in case of infections or poorly inserted implants you have to remove them which often times require special removal kits and there are 20-25 different knee implants available in the market. if you stay with the same doc for

looks vaguely narcoleptic too triggered by stress. the way his body just immediately goes limp with no attempt to brace his face or vital organs. hey just gets up without any associated complications or confusion. but i don't understand why lie to the cops about a medical condition.

I don't understand how they're the same color...

Jack Daniels

right on the money. the only way you'll have birth defects is if the dna is damaged during spermatogenesis (creation of sperm). it has nothing to do with the vehicle carrying the dna.

Not a very accurate test though unless it's measure lipase which is the most specific and sensitive way of testing for pancreatitis. trypsin is just the main reason for all the pain that the folks endure. either way a good diagnostician should be able to make the diagnosis without any lab results since the treatment

@Gonzie: not if you're going somewhere international. sending a backpack size worth of stuff was $200+ to get to Dominica

@undefined: it's also a good way to help prevent dementia. Doing everyday normal tasks in a different way like buttoning up your shirt with your non-dominant hand, or writing with the non-dominant hand can help to create new neuronal synapses in the brain.

href="#c11749788">baron_army: I have a feeling you were/are one of those college students you speak of