
Yes, yes. Thank you for being reasonable and sending a nice reply, that’s really all I was trying to say :)

dat FFIV though <3 I still play it to this day, best childhood game ever!

See, now this is what I meant and then everyone came after me for apparently calling myself skinny. I may not be as large as most girls but I’m def not as skinny as some.


Na, I’m agreeing with the person who said every body is a real woman’s body. And while everyone is saying that larger women have real bodies, I’m simply saying that so do skinny women.

No, thinking I said I have a ‘thin’ body is what you guys all got going on. Now you’re calling me out. I said I have a decent body. All I said was all shaming is real, no I’m not as large as this “real- world” woman because everyone (as mentioned in a comment above) we’re all real bodied. So check yo’self before you

So here I only said I have a decent I’m not thin nor am I fat yet all y’all jumped in and said I’m body shaming? Lol you all jumped to conclusions that I’m some skinny bitch lmao

I’m not thin yet I’m not large like the woman presented to have a “real body”

Hmm...yet I never said I was thin? I said I have a decent body

well when someone says I should eat a burger or that real men like curves or that I’m ‘bragging’, no I’m not lol

I was just about to call this out too. I don’t have a body like “the real - world body” I have a fairly decent body that I’m proud of. I know people fat shame...but it sucks when there’s skinny-shame too :(

soooooooooooooooo where did the nail come from though?? if it was cut off...he can’t just grow a nail back...

Call me crazy, and yeah I’ll be crucified here, I’ve been on the other side of the fence about this whole thing because why the hell not. The video of Johnny freaking out, yeah he’s super pissed but what happened to cause it? And she’s just standing there watching him? I feel if he was super violent she wouldn’t have

It’s true but I suppose if she wanted to feel more confident then its fine...but still, she looked so much better years ago :(

AHH I JUST POSTED THIS TOO, thank you for your opinion

Oh come on, whenever ANYONE somewhat famous gets engaged it’s news. The news outlet was probably just trying to make it sound cuter.

My inner Canadian shined through!

It was a bad movie. And all those other movies were bad too. At least they weren’t rebooting movies with huge followings and fans, trying to modernize a fucking 80's movie. That’s why people are upset, because it was a bad movie and didn’t need to be made. I sure as shit want to see the Ocean’s 11 reboot because fuck

It’s not that, it’s that Ghostbusters was a great movie, had a huge following and fans, and the reboot was unnecessary (like you said) so it’s not just the fact it was women. I’m sure if they rebooted it with Seth Rogen and Franco and all those guys it would be an entirely different reboot that people would enjoy more a white skin tone for the whities, one that is more yellow and possibly for Asians, a lighter brown for Native people, and a darker skin tone for African American? Sounds like they got all their bases covered. If they had a scale spectrum for colour sure that would be great, like most RPG’s and MMO’s have,