@Chad Essley: You're being a bit too Apple hating for my taste. Clearly Apple is extremely relevant. Also, Flash is a proprietary, not Open, standard. Nonetheless, it is ubiquitous.
@Chad Essley: You're being a bit too Apple hating for my taste. Clearly Apple is extremely relevant. Also, Flash is a proprietary, not Open, standard. Nonetheless, it is ubiquitous.
@ColinC: or it could allow you to bypass the App Store for unnecessary apps.
@revmatty: So if there was one that didn't have a component, rather than one that had a component that could be deactivated at your leisure, the component-less one would have an advantage? It's your choice, but that doesn't seem wise.
@SeraphX2: ...and the implementing of Flash on Macs is inadequate, supposedly.
@SlappyFrog: I mean, it sort of is/sort of isn't. It would be a convenient way to bypass many of the apps in the App store by just using websites that already have flash components to do streaming of content. However, Flash ads are annoying and some other flash content is superfluous, as well.
@Juliana Peña: By the time Flash dies, the current and next gen iPhone/Touch will be out of date. Web development will want to appeal to the broadest user base possible and, with significant amount of people not updating their browsers, they'll need to use a compatible format. Thus, Flash will be around near its…
@ub: I actually believe it's sarcasm.
@J.P. Holecka: Low end apps are already in the App Store. If anything, they should phase out their low-end apps from the App Store. Quality over quantity.
@StuScott Booyahs: It's been Tali-banned.
@sir_pantsalot: Thread done.
This is as oppose to the NFL which has implemented an "only handshakes" rule so as to prevent any misconception that the players are either human or black.
@UnderLoK: If fast booting is your thing, my friend Nick is a lightweight drinker.
@Chris Hanson's Axe: for some reason I thought you said, "Put in the Lionhearted." Which made me think that putting in Richard the Lionhearted really wouldn't help the passing game at this point since he's been dead for almost a millenia. Then it got me thinking that he was an incredible leader so maybe he could…
@Hit Bull Win Steak: Maybe with Sue Bird.
@quail: Only Zune.
@modernape: MS is a better abbreviation. To use M$ is clearly using a pejorative implication since that's when it's generally used.
@gpzbc: The guy is using "M$". He's clearly being juvenile.
@UnderLoK: The device can do DAB, as well. That's not the breackneck here.
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: I guess Lifehacker didn't want you either, miss unstarred.
@1112: Oh I see what you're doing...