
@feb31st: You're right. It wasn't Flores, it was last week's focus: Neil Everett and his colleague.

@girlwonder: I don't really agree with this method, either. However, using football for your analogy is not a good idea since they wear helmets that hide their faces.

@Nigromancer: and my idiotic comment needs fixing.

Oh, I see. Victoria Azarenka was playing against an attractive woman. I was about to say, if they that Azarenka was attractive...

@Fierock: You're missing the point.

@gmjhowe: Actually, Windows has a 3 year life cycle with a constant updates (Windows updates) and up to 2 Service Packs per cycle.

@Peter_T: I would disagree/agree.

@izym: That's incorrect. They're numerous laptops that have screens that are better.

"If that doesn't work, he'll try acupuncture, then crystal therapy, and if all fails ..."

Drew, you need to adjust the manner in which you link to both Liberated Syndication and to your guests sites (your links to the actual podcasts are fine, though).

@Nigromancer: Let's see if I can get it to work without making it a link: