
@raelite: Wasn't she a stripper? It would makes sense considering.

A.) This is outfit is ALL TYPES OF FUG.

@BethroTull: Oh, it's amazing isn't it? I sent it to all my friends on Tuesday. Clearly someone sent out a link assault someplace because if you check Alexa, their hits have shot through the roof in the past week.

@warthog: That's magenta, not pink.

@DorothyZbornak: It also says that their straining from too much milk. Eh, I guess having a kid will do that.

Man, I guess pregnancy did a body good, no? But anyhow, I am going to stop staring at her blouse. We have better things to do.

You should have included Kosovo in that list above.

@Archetype: I had long suspected you of that...

@rsr26: Yeah, exactly. And that dialogue was grating and incredibly unnatural a lot of the time.

I have to admit that I didn't really dig the film or find it as entertaining as others did. Maybe this explains it:

OJ Girlfriend - you sort of get what's coming to you when you're dating OJ. I mean come on. COME ON!

Re: co-star engagement - that won't last. No shot.

Think mean folks are sending him lingerie and fishnets today?