
@hamburgerhotdog: You'll find that the idealized physical conception of females in men's magazines differs greatly from that put forth in women's fashion magazines. I tend to believe that the perpetuation of the skinny ideal isn't put forth with primarily men in mind, fwiw.

@braak: as a response to the Benjamin Franklin episode speaker/non-stripper episode of The Office?

@KimberleeJ: She might be wearing them here. Same size too!

@xay: I'm gonna guess the spread cheekage is when it crosses the barrier from "hetero female" to "steam room homo orgy".

@bowlingfordollars: They were prolly in line with the comic book artists trying to get a copy.

@lolly71: Oh if only. If only...

@CatOTO: Oh that was ruined generations ago. In fact, Lynda Carter looking good in it just hastened the pace. Most comic book superheroes/-heroines look like ridiculous physical specimens.

I'm trying to overwrite the knowledge of this with thoughts of Disney movies, sports, and even binary numbers (010110101010101010101).

@telecomic: I doubt Kramer loves black cats. Sorry. I saw a Michael Richards joke and couldn't resist.

"Though there's an uncomfortable,..."

I'm so glad I watch almost no TV.

@HELL to the NO: Oh and since he's by far the tallest of his co-stars.

@RyanB: incorrect. He has less. Check CNN.

Just in case you were wondering about the slimey P-*'s: there's a MRSA outbreak spreading through the community now. Oh, and make sure they have their AIM test.

@buttercupjefferson: Before you blame it on the boys realize that the drama is prolly being caused by both genders: High-school kids tend to be really cliquey, immature, and drama obsessed. Also, I think we all know that girls can be just as mean, if not worse, than guys (Hello, eating disorders!).

@DorothyZbornak: Yeah, Tiger Woods people have decided they don't care.

@rednrowdy: No one wants to see these on some of the other sizes, sadly.

@LaComtesse: Thank God. There has been a ratio of about 30/70 ratio of "fair and rational" versus "prejudiced and incompassionate" comments for this post (including the conclusion to the post itself). Yours is one of the most sensible.