
Tyler Perry puts himself in the title so he can make himself a brand and thus more money. Think Trump. Smart move albeit annoying.

Come on. People stop acting like she got grossly attacked. She probably had sex with the future guy she'll cheat on and he maybe got in one stroke AT BEST. After which, she probably jumped off and punched him or something. It's not like it was 20 minutes of intense anal violation. It wasn't life-altering trauma

Also, realize that he didn't really hack her e-mail. She left her passwords in a NOTEPAD DOCUMENT IN HER MY DOCUMENTS FOLDER!!! ROFLMAO. She prolly just leaves her credit cards on the table, too. That's just plain imbecilic.

@AndSheWas: No he doesn't. The guy who fell for it was an idiot and she was cheating on him. It was pretty harmless.

@plasticene: Oh that's the worst. I went to this Bar Mitzvah ceremony at Temple Emanu-El in the city and I tried to partake but I had no clue how to read it. I'm a disgrace.

@GothamTomato: I can see how you could find it anti-semitic but it's an accurate description of a lot of people. Same way as how bitch is bad way of describing a woman or dick is a bad way of describing a man. Bad in general despite being spot on in a lot of occasions.

@GraniteInMyVeins: They voted already on the headline? Man that was quick. How come I never get the invite for these polls?

I think I get more exercise just trying to get through a crowded Whole Foods in Union Square with a basket. Besides, aren't most carts in the super market hard to push anyhow with about 3/5 having bad, rusty wheels?

@petuniacat: Bai Ling is all types of crazy and Thandie Newton is pretty. Beckinsale has a better body but there are countless women who are better looking. Let's face it: these are incredibly arbitrary lists that are more indicative of the subjectivity of the editors and staffs at the magazine than anything most

"One thing here is not like the other..."

@Hamsterpants: Or perhaps, better yet, a perfect name for the protagonist in an update of Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS.

I didn't hear the laughing. I just saw the passing out in the Defamer clip. It's never appropriate to laugh at those things until you are safely doing it behind someone's back.

Can they really arrest David Copperfield anyhow? He's made a living from getting out of handcuffs and impossible situations that I don't think any jail could hold him.

When Fashion Strikes Back!

Just shave it. Wear it confidently and he'll be fine. A different type of symbol but still handsome.

I remember the good ol' days of Bad Girls on BBC. I remember that their first episode had a nice little fashion show that they really wanted the inmates to have. I mean the show was really realistic so it wouldn't surprise me if one of their death row inmates was having an affair with the female wing governor.

Hey, I'd really love to hate on the guys that write these e-mails but I consistently have the annoying, tingling feeling that there's much more to these stories . For instance, this was one of the first times I can remember you blaming one of the submitters for their poor decision making and complicity in the

Yeah, she looks good. Really, really good.

@so5minutesago: @xay: @entonces: I can see that are tastes clearly differ, however I have brought this up with a lot of people I know and they have felt pretty much the same as me. I mean even my father, who is very Pro-African, really dislikes her look. Regardless, that is clearly more of a subjective appeal thing.