
I don’t think it was that hard for Disney and Abrams to hit it out of the park when they made a reboot of episode IV (which is more than a fan service). I saw TFA and didn’t like it because it’s the exact same story and the original told it better IMO.

I agree, Saturn is full of assholes.

It’s obvious their tires were a few PSI off.

Your grammar is indictive to you being an asshat. What did his phone do again?

Amazon has bluetooth car kits.

So MS has earned billions from a few hundred people? They’d be ok with that.

It’s like you guys will do anything to set up the Surface Pro for failure or at least an unattractive purchase. You do a review with the expectations that are unrealistic. Anyone looking for a workhorse would be looking for a workstation not something like the SP4. You even change your definition of work. In your

You PC bro?

How about we don’t build farms in deserts? Also they export alfalfa so we can have iPhone’s, iPad’s and all the other crap we get from China.

At what temperature would you say is cold enough that letting out cars warm up becomes beneficial?

They don't have any of the same letter, derp.

The Cowboys can't play against themselves, dummy.

(double post)

So what would you call the disclosure of the Snowden leaks and the Pentagon Papers by journalist's. As far as I know Snowden didn't have permission to take those documents from the NSA.

I go during the day. Sometimes no one else is in the theater so it's like I own the joint.

One more.

It was mixed.

That just means our money is worth less now.

I remember the carts being $59.99, ten bucks more that PS games.