Sexy WRXy

“consistently more successful than Deadspin.”

I’ve seen more headlines here about Bill Simmons and Barstool than specific sports stories.

This is 100% true. Sure, I could count the measures myself, but it’s so much easier to rely on the conductor to do it for me.

Ex Band Geek here. I ask you, Mark. Next time you’re in a room with even 5 other people. Ask them all to count to 10 in their head and then clap once they get to “10". I would bet you $100 you get a cascade of people clapping at different times.

Nobody ever thought the Lakers were contenders!

As a fan, I love it. Columbus hasn’t ever done a goddamn thing. Let’s do a goddamn thing.

I dunno, I can’t reach it, I might enjoy it. Who can say?

Yeah airplanes are renowned for their ability to never be affected by weather...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is nuts, but this is a statistically nonexistent situation. Planes are affected by weather far more than trains.

My brother has the alpha gal thing. I’d sure as fuck cry and it’s not about missing hamburgers or having jacked up priorities. Guy went into full blown anaphylaxis while having a beer in a steak house, aerosolized beef fat in the air. He was being treated for that at the ER and they gave him fresh frozen plasma, a

It’s funny to see Mike Singletary, who actively wore a Ned Flanders sized piece of the true cross when he coached the 49ers, be so anti-Christian.

Mark Wahlberg and I have one thing in common... we both wish he would have been on that plane on 9/11.

Four whole years. BOO FACKIN HOO

Yes, sports history should be taught in schools, and here is lesson #1: from 1976-1988, the New England Patriots went 113-83 and made the playoffs 5x, including a Super Bowl appearance, with only one losing season. In 1993, Parcells and Bledsoe arrived and it’s been clear sailing for the next 25 years.

welcome back

Wizards are going to have to declare a national emergency to pay his contract.

Word out of Washington is that their plan was always to have him be John Steel Slats anyway.

Whoa, a Bush administration official found a WMD!