
Visitors are welcome to bring video and still cameras into the ballpark; however, tripods are not allowed in the seating areas. Recordings may be used for personal viewing only. Any other use, distribution or commercial use is prohibited. Fans may not distribute any copyrighted game information without permission of

Game was over for a few minutes, I think they were just trying to get everyone out. The line about not being able to record someone is total bullcrap and not true at all, seems like the usher was just trying to defuse the situation.


You have to stand up to racists, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the bleachers.

He was complaining that he didn’t want his unit to see that. So the racist is in the armed forces. Great.

I continue to be impressed with how thoroughly Carlos Mencia was flushed down America’s collective memory hole.

I knew Mencia stole a lot of jokes, but I didn’t realise he was stealing Cheech & Chong bits, too.

That sequence--despicable as it is--makes me laugh so hard. I home the guy is shamed into moving out of state.

You’re on private property, you don’t have permission to videotape us.

you can clearly see the same guy who shouted “spic” screaming, “Beaners! Spics!””

You can see the guy’s white-collar career flash before his eyes the moment he realizes he’s been caught on video screaming racial epithets.  

The more you watch and the older you get, I’m sure a lot of the ways other people find pleasure and meaning in their lives seem ripe for you to pass judgment on.

I learned to love baseball through my Mom. She grew up in the 50s going to Fenway, skipped school to see Ted Williams’ last game, has a ton of autographs, was there when Maris hit 61, and has a cool ash tray from the restaurant Brooks Robinson opened in Baltimore.

I’m a woman and I’ve always taken that line as a very clear double entendre (and sort of backhanded toward Annie as well). So I think you’re acquitted of mansplaining on this one.

I like how Annie is extremely knowledgeable, passionate about the game, AND occasionally full of shit. That always struck me as such a realistic touch, because it’s natural for someone who knows a lot about a sport to act with authority about it 100% of the time even when they are dead wrong about something. She’s not

I just don’t understand why people hate the character so much.I mean, racism and sexism...

I just don’t understand why people hate the character so much.

Geez man, some people just need a swift kick in the nuts. I didn’t care for the Rose arc at all in TLJ but never once did I ever think about shitting on the actress that played her. I didn’t even think about harassing Rian Johnson or the writers. I did what any normal person would do; crack open some bourbon, sleep it

I’m old enough to have been to eps 4-6 when they premiered in theaters. I am a huge fan of the series, and completely embarrassed by how I’m now lumped in with other “fans” who are d-bag zeroes. (Kind of like Trump’s America... oh nevermind.)

Sci-fi fans really are the worst for this kind of bullshit. And don’t come at me with #notallscififans. I’m one too but as a general population, they’re the worst. They’ll believe in any manny of futuristic craziness, but let a woman or non-white person show up and they lose their shit. Fantasy fans, too.