
This is the best thing ever. Ever.

So a large group of men put on matching outfits, added shiny pieces of flair, and then sang about staying up all night with the goal of having sex.

I thought this would run afoul of Russia's anti-gay laws, as seen in the landmark case of Every All Male 70's Disco Act vs the State of Mississippi, with an amicus brief

That sentence jumped out at me, too. I realize that Putin may well have had a hand in Alina Kabaeva *qualifying* for the Sydney and Athens Olympic rhythmic gymnastic teams but beyond that point, it would have been, erm...... out of his hands and entirely in hers.

When did Dr. Zhivago come out? And where's the tribute to beets?

It's amazing how comfortable people are with tweeting/facebooking horribly-racist shit using their real names.

[Watches everyone else expand their horizons into a beautiful system of inclusion and prosperity]

I hate NBC's narratives and "storylines" (although Costas with pinkeye is entertaining as hell) and I don't want to just watch U.S. athletes. And I can watch the opening ceremony on a small screen while I do work on another.

MASSIVE edits, only to replace them with commercials.

Hola was one of the extensions that got sold to an adware company. I'd suggest using MediaHint instead for those wanting to access BBC Two.

This will probably get lost in the grey, but Hola, an extension for Chrome is great. It allows you to set the country that you want websites to think you're coming from. I use it for American Netflix, but it works on other sites too.

"I can see them from my house!"

I'm still waiting on the inevitable Reagan-Bush-Paul Field in Arlington. We all know it's coming

The best part of these conspiracy theories is the fact that they actually think the NFL would favor a team in Seattle over a team in California, let alone a team in California that has loads of bandwagon fans across the country due to the glory days of Montana, Rice and Young, and the Super Bowl trip last year.

I agree with most of what you're saying, but the PC stuff was only ever a fig leaf to try and cover the corruption. Qatar didn't get the World Cup because of some sense of international justice on the part of FIFA, they purchased it fair and square.

You don't hand the Olympics to anyone. You sell them.

Yes, but why would we want to???

North Korea can only dream of achieving corruption on Russia's epic scale.

"and those sheets had been taken away for cleaning, and hadn't come back."
This seems to be Russia's solution to everything.