
Oh shit, so that’s why I have such a tough time convincing guys I’m with to go to town when we have a swimming pool to ourselves! #themoreyouknow

You’re excited? Feel these nipples!”

You’re goddamned right we do.

I went into it knowing damn well that Many Bothans Died to get the Rebellion those plans, so I guess I wasn’t too surprised. I did, however, lose every bit of my fangirl shit when Uncanny Valley Leia actually did make an appearance.

Texan here, only Aggies seriously used the term (at least, before he hit it big with the doofuses at the WWL), and there’s a good reason why Aggie jokes are a long-standing Texas tradition.

IMO (and in the opinion of most anyone older than the age of 13 when it came out), nope. But don’t try telling that to someone who was a child then.

Cowboys fan here - our fanbase is almost always awful.

I know this is slightly off-topic, but I don’t watch UFC and only know who some of the fighters are from coverage in sports media. But, does the guy with the big Irish identity, wrapping himself in the Irish flag, actually use “Scotland the Brave” as his walk-out music, or was someone else entering the arena at that

I love those folks. Including Peña Nieto was a lovely touch.

My 401K is doing great today, I’m sure changing Social Security over to it will sure keep grandma from eating cat food.

No, he’s alive, he just plays for the Blue Jays now. (I assume you’re talking about former Cubs legend Darwin Barney.)

Not to mention the fact that a Democratic Senate would have Bernie as the head of the Finance Committee, i.e. in a position to actually get some real shit done. (Please god, let this happen.)

Hear hear. I’m happy I’ve seen my team go this far at least once, and I hope have a legitimate reason to hope we return again in years to come. Even the finest teams get to that point and don’t win in various years, but then finally make it to the parade, so that’s what I’m hoping ends up happening now that we have

You just described me to the t in that second bit. I’m not mad, I’m not crying, but I am disappointed.

That same fact has been making the rounds in online discussions about the MLB playoffs as well. It’s great for all sports!

I wanted the Astros to win that series too, so I certainly remember. (Of course, the fact that Houston even made it to the World Series once is pretty well forgotten down here in Texas too. Maybe there’s just a general 2005 amnesia?)

Well, mark me into the “Yes” column. The only NL Central team I refuse to root for in any playoff scenario is the Cardinals.

I don’t feel owned. I feel sad that he can’t express support for his own team by itself.

Our Chicago-based fans can be pretty bad. If I wasn’t one of those kids on the opposite side of the country that got into the Cubs because Superstation WGN was part of every basic cable package from elementary school throughout college, then I would’ve probably hated them too. But man, yeah, you guys got pretty smug

As someone with tickets to that ALDS Game 1 on Thursday (but not a Rangers fan, just figured playoff baseball would be fun to see), I’m SO dearly hoping that the Jays pull off a win tonight. I want to be there when shit resumes in Arlington, and I don’t want to have to wait until next year.