
I don’t recall the fan gif being a section last year. I love it, and I hope you find the best gifs ever for each fan base - and that the Cubs one is this guy:

As a Texan with lots of Rangers-fan family in the Metroplex, I’m willing to bet that a number of those doing the USA chant also have “Secede” stickers on their trucks.

And his reaction after calling to tell his BFF about fixing that first antique clock:

Pardon me, but I'd like to let you know that I'm a hipster asshole Texan.

As a Cubs fan, I concur. I expect utter collapse at any moment during both the regular and postseason because I've seen it happen too many times already.

We haven’t even won yet & it’s already starting with the cocky frontrunners. My god, some people who have popped out of nowhere on the Cubs subreddit are just *the goddamn worst*.

I was actually home sick from school that day my junior year, and it was on the Astros broadcast here in Texas. Blessed coincidence, as it’s since led to 18 years of Cubs fandom, for better and (very) worse.

And happy 18th anniversary of the genesis of my Cubs fandom. My heart has sufficiently been trampled upon multiple times since that fateful day, but it's been a helluva ride so far.

As someone who was 16 when it came out & was very much looking forward to it, sorry young’uns, it’s not a good movie. Solidly mediocre at best, which is something a Looney Tunes movie should never be.

Dude... “neither team is beating the Cubs anyhow”? We haven’t even played them yet, and Cardinal Devil Magic is always a thing, so let’s hold off on such definitive statements until we’re at least a few months into the season. We have a very good chance, but the season is long and full of terrors.

As a very white person, can confirm, lengua is the BEST. I personally prefer it cooked in a crock pot until it pulls apart like a roast, but those tacos & pastor tacos are probably my favorite taqueria food.

Ehhh, I go by the guys who invented the generational terms & borders, and they say ‘82 is the beginning. But it was a fluke that I wasn’t born in ‘80 anyway. I was just “whatever” about popping out of my mom on time & had to wait until the very beginning of January to get into the world instead.

Oh, sure ESPN, Marlins Man is fine, but Ninja Turtles are suddenly too gauche?


Alice in Chains, and still remains so to this day.

Now playing

Now, do a story about a Duran Duran Vegas residency and you’ll have my attention.

As a tail-end ‘81 X-er, I can confirm I had no interest in boy bands of the late ‘90s after having gone on that ride the first time around with NKOTB. I hated the fact that the movie theater I worked with played them every. single. hour. UGH.

Well, everything SATC does actually suck, soooo...

Pity that this is the week Drew’s on vacation.

Fuck it, I had fun & got to throw shit around.