
The only one of those I love is REI. But god, do I love it. And yes, I only have melanin in very tiny spots all over my face & arms, but I also get nervous when I travel to some states (or parts of states) where I see only white people. It weirds me the hell out. (I’m looking at you, that part of Missouri I drove

I live in Austin - my life is a non-vegan taco cleanse (and it’s glorious).

As others have mentioned, his then-wife was a HUGE reason the OT didn’t suck. She also wanted Endor to remain a Wookie planet, but by that point they were divorcing & George went with Ewoks instead.

I lost my grandpa (cornerstone of our family) & then my older sis and I were nearly killed in a car wreck - like, helicopter ride, nearly bleeding out, stroke from blood loss, then coma type of almost killed - so I agree, 2015 can go fuck itself.

Wait a second... NAKED Aussies?? Noooo, there’d never be such a thing!

“Trust us, you’ll be happy once you’ve tried it.”

As far as anything branded “Yeti”, I thought it was just a badass cooler.

Now playing

So now I have to wonder how long it’ll be before Batcoyote appears in an HEB commercial...

When Owen left, they must’ve asked the room who can replace him & the only answer was “Not Sure.”

Too much testosterone can do creepy things to a lady’s undercarriage over enough time.

The girl who lived next door to me and I was kinda-friends with (she introduced me to the magic that was Dirty Dancing, and she had one of those dolls that would have makeup appear on their face with the foam “makeup brush” dipped in cold water) owned the Barbie Corvette. I never got to drive it & I was ungodly

Mid-January here & can confirm the overall not-giving-a-shit attitude. (I’m a middle child too, so that’s double the fun!) It also doesn’t help that my birthday pops up riiiiiight as everybody is getting their holiday-binge credit card bills in the mail/email. But it is pretty nice sometimes to just keep the day to

Decent advice from a fellow Texan. There's a reason we talk about distance to any place in the state by driving time & not mileage.

Just watching TFA made me want to rewatch my copy of Attack The Block. Movies need way more Boyega (and Ridley as well)!

THAT WAS THE BEST!!! When my sisters & I started getting too big for it with the center grab-wheel in place, we just took that part off & pushed off of my the floor for years after that. I’m still sad that someone tossed it during one of my many childhood moves.

I’m 34 & the only non-rotary phone in our house until the early ‘90s was the kitchen wall phone. (Side note: years ago I bought a rotary phone I never planned to use as decor, because nostalgia & the color of it was great. Fast forward to now & both my neice and nephew have played with it joyously as toddlers despite

I accepted long ago that my love of Full House is frowned upon by the general public, but I don’t give a fuck, and my 35-year-old ass damn well will give this at least a 3-episode shot.

RotJ ending with Yub Nub, as a child, signaled to me that all was right & good again in that galaxy far, far away. It’s just not the same at all with that missing. (And don’t get me started about them putting in the Younger Anakin ghost.)

18-year-old me, skipping class to watch it on opening day (a school day) my senior year of high school, nearly bailed on the movie during that first hour to get back to school in time for drama class because it was so insufferable. But I thought awesome things were coming & Darth Maul looked cool & I had a thing for

Continuing this 2001 side-tangent, you ever watch the “Jupiter” section at the end of the film synced up to Pink Floyd’s “Echoes”? It really works so well that I didn’t care (at age 19) that the plot during that part wasn’t the clearest thing in the world. (Of course, in the 15 years since I’ve read the book &