
I hope Drew is responsible for the bulk of it. A few instructions on what to update, but otherwise something beautifully snarky & full of caps lock.

As someone who had to live in that town during high school, I can confirm. Aside from football, this will be the most talked-about thing for years.

"The longer this goes, the bigger the hammer that will fall on you."

I kind of hate myself for how much I goddamn LOVE one of those Harajuku fragrances. It's seriously my favorite scent to wear, but I feel so shitty supporting that kind of cultural appropriation. :(

Or all the Mac/Mc/Mak names for girls. Guess what, folks? You just named your adorable little lady-angel "son of". Good job. (Maybe that's just my hang-up.)

Where I live, non-chain restaurants are a way of life. And I see kids in most of them all the time. I'm not about to frequent trashy microwaved-blandness joints just because procreation occurred.

There's a bar-o-meter that I think is appropriate or not for kiddos, and I see a lot of kids & babies out and about with the parents when adults are enjoying a few beverages here in Austin. It could be that my circle is in prime baby-making age, and that many of us are craft beer fans, but I don't bat an eye at a baby

the Cubs would look pretty well set up to become a not-bad baseball team for the first time in a while

I am a Texan and I definitely hoard the Pike books I have left. (I'm still pissed at my 8th grade History teacher for taking away "Scavenger Hunt" from me in class because I wouldn't stop reading it and pay attention to the lesson. I was told I'd get it back at the end of the year. I did not.)

Still own all three. So damn good.

Not controversial in my mind. Goosebumps came out when I was on the cusp of high school. They always felt too kiddie to me. Meanwhile, I can still go back and re-read Fear Street (and some Christopher Pike stuff too).

My previous BF was not into the idea of sex for complicated reasons. We shared a bed for the duration of our 7-year relationship, but never once saw each-other nude, much less enjoyed each-others genitals. It was part of what ultimately led to the dissolution of the partnership, but everyone always assumed we had been

Mmm, Thunder Sauce...

I can only find a link to this video on Facebook, but this one has always made me tear up a bit (esp. since Phil Hartman's death has been the only celeb death to make me all-out weep):

Very-barely-tangentially-related story time: Picture me, 1986, adorable 5 year old girl wearing sundresses and pigtails. One of my favorite movies that year? "Stand By Me" One of the new words I learned from that movie? "Pussy" Thing is, I had no context whatsoever for the actual meaning of the word. I just figured it

Drove from Austin to El Paso. By myself. In a car I'd just bought used (good idea: it was a Honda/bad idea: it was still 14 years old & nearing 200k miles). That's driving nearly 600 miles in an area of the state with very little (back in '04) cell phone coverage and even fewer gas stations. Thankfully, no breakdowns

Honest-to-god, he's the only celeb death I shed tears over. So, so damn sad.

Gotta love ol' Ginger Hammer's hypocrisy.

There could be some real truth to this theory. Purely unscientific example: of the NFC East teams that my Cowboys play (don't hurt me, I was born & raised in Dallas and I know damn well that my team sucks & our owner is a vampire sucking every dollar he can out of them), I have almost no dislike for the Giants, which

Less skunky than BL. But still not my thing, overall. Like I said, if their Black Thunder was a part of this, I'd be there in a heartbeat with my $100. Mmm, dark beer deliciousness...