
Can we start a best shitty/cheap-ass pizza discussion? Because this is always fun with my friends.

My favorite thing to happen in my radio-listening lifetime has been the split-off of my NPR station from its musical public counterpart here in Austin. On Saturdays (or Sundays, can't remember, one of the weekend days), the bane of my existence was PHC taking up perfectly good chill-out-in-the-warm-sun

"Oh and here's a look at Deadspin's old layout."

I still find it hilarious that I, the lone lady at the Super Bowl party I attended (filled with college-aged dude-bros, because I was 23 & young then) was the only one in our place that caught it when it happened. It was a warm day, the windows were open & they were out on the front porch passing a pipe around. I was

Our severe weather watches have a way of often not panning out. People looked out their front doors this morning, saw that the liquid on the ground was not frozen, then decided to hit the road.

You are correct. Austinite is a person, Austonian is a building that looks like a giant USB flash drive.

Now playing

Can't tell if this video is posted in the article (mobile version's not loading it if it is), but I saw both of these live on the news this AM.

One day she WILL catch them Duke boys.

It was so nice of Madge to stop by the Grammys on her way to this year's Motherboy competition.

I was gonna say, "To be fair, it is Shipley." Just typing the name out makes me crave them immensely.


That's so weird, because this is honestly the complete & utter polar opposite in the state that I live in. Everyone, guys & girls, tend to go nuts for football, and then maybe basketball comes around later, but only if the teams from around here are doing well.

"Way to go, Gillman! Wayyyy to goooo!"

Oh great, even more Mannings.

"...but I also wanted to get good grades, take music lessons, hang out with my friends, eat junk food, watch TV, and lie around sobbing over young adult Holocaust novels."

But seriously, WTF?? These guys are given a golden goose of mythology, a, if you will (since they obviously think in a man-first way) character that is primed to be treated almost like a female version of Thor, and what, they think a "valid" idea is to make their civilization not gods, not kinda-gods or demi-gods,

As a (very) longtime, loyal Wonder Woman fan, reader, and subscriber, this about sums up my reaction to reading this.

No shit - me & the BF are in a 1200 sq ft place (with a decent yard) for $800 a month. And not in a sketchy part of town either.

Original video poster stated that the kitty was just fine.