
Little Caesars can try to lure me in with super-cheap terrible pizza, but thankfully Pizza Patrón is around here as well with their far superior (to LC's) super-cheap pizza.

Thank you. This gets left out so often. My team had one more chance to pull off a win, and NOPE, they fucked that up on their very own, even after they took a lead into the 5th inning.

As a Cubs fan, I blame Moises for the fact that Steve became the lightning rod for fan frustration and, in turn, had to go through such shit (and those that put him through said shit are assholes of the highest degree. Fuck them, seriously). If he hadn't overreacted, it wouldn't have been such a big deal and wouldn't

Bad news for me is that there is no NL-rules baseball for (quite literally) nearly 1000 miles. I'm just praying for San Antonio to get an expansion NL team if that ever happens again.

Yates may not have the results that those particular Texans fans need, but he does provide the results they deserve.

Oh yeah, that's completely true, there are a shit-ton of obnoxious Cubs fans out there. No doubt. And Astros fans do exist, they're just still pissed off about being moved to the AL. (Boyfriend honestly contemplated switching allegiance to the Phillies, since so many former Astros had been traded there, but in the

You, sir, have stated my own feelings regarding Cards fans far better than I ever could have. Me & my boyfriend are Cubs and Astros fans, respectively (yes, it was a tragic baseball season in our house this year), and we were able to very early on respect each-other's preference in team due to our mutual distaste for

Ah, yes. THIS is the brand of "class" & "poise" I've come to expect from Cards fans. Bravo, you mature sports fans you.

Now playing

I think that I'm more excited for new Spurs HEB commercials every autumn than I am for the actual beginning of the season.

You are correct, sir, that is the last time the baseball team that I love won a World Series. It would actually cause me pain if I weren't so numb to it by this point in my fandom, resigning myself to the fact that I'll likely never see them win within my lifetime. Thank goodness some of the other sports teams I

As a Cubs fan who (finally) took in my first game at Wrigley this year, and that just so happened to be a day game against St Louis, I just have to say that the fans I met in person do nothing to dispel my overall negative feelings about them (which were previously built through years of sports talk and web browsing).

Well, with as much as he hates Tim Duncan, as a Spurs fan, I can't wait for the fireworks.

At the tail end of age 12 through all of my 13th year, I had an incredibly obsessive, all-encompassing crush on Brad Pitt, especially in his Legends Of The Fall fine form. This poster was my imaginary boyfriend that I kissed goodnight and caressed all the damn time when by myself.

OHMYGOD, you need to go find & watch "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken" asap! He was the male lead, and that's actually where I first saw him (didn't see 16 Candles until I was closer to 16 myself), and oh mymymy, my preteen self swooned. Almost thinking of pulling out my own VHS copy of the movie right now...

Hey, lookit, I'm there!

My parents would never vote for her, but they severely dislike Abbott too - think he's slimy and dishonest. They sound like they may be more disenfranchised about voting next year, so I can only cross my fingers that either they don't, or that, if they do, they pick some fringe Tea Party candidate with no shot in

As a liberal lifelong lady Texan...

Or, you know, be a mature goddamn adult and discuss things like people in a healthy partnership do. Get your big boy pants on and use your words, fellas.

My first year of college I stayed in Taos Co-op, so Mojo's was my second home.