
Exactly, and a lot of the families here who still speak Spanish (and English) & have Spanish last names have been in this state longer than any Anglo. This is why I get super pissed-off at such moronic statement, especially when they come from people who live here.

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All those racists can stay the hell away from San Antonio & south Texas then, because this kid is awesome & they wouldn't understand how things are down here.

Can I have them merge my queue with another User's if we team up on our account together? Because I don't want to have to re-add all that again when me and the boyfriend merge them (because there's no use having 2 streaming and 2 disc separate subs in the same house).

Oh, San Antonio... never change.

I always refer to them as "sea puppies" - IDGAF if the rest of the English-speaking world calls them "lions", they look like, bark, and are about as adorable as land-based dogs.

"Relax... it'll be over soon."???

Because hoverers are such huge germophobes that they don't even want to touch the seat that they're about to piss all over. They are evil to those of us who accept a bit of germiness in our lives but don't want to clean up other people's bodily fluids.

Sailor Moon sees nothing wrong with this.

Everyone pees on everything, just in different ways. Hoverers are the bane of every woman's restroom EVER.

Yeah, but when you get to/have to sit down to do your business, you sometimes want to just relax a couple of minutes by yourself. And tweet. Yeah, tweeting.

As a woman who has done the opposite, I'd have no issue with this, but I know some ladies would. (I don't understand why though - it's not like we go walking around the restroom with our pants down or anything. So long as you shut the stall door before you get down to whichever set of business you need to, there's

Looks like every sporting event I go to as well.

Look, if I wanted to get married surrounded by EXPEDIT shelves, I'd just hold the wedding in my own house. (On a related note, I may have an Ikea addiction. I don't think I want to be cured just yet, either. Of course, if I had more money or a REAL problem, then it'd probably be more of a West Elm/CB2/Design Within

Someone teach me how to stop ogling Andrew Rannells. He pleases my eyes.

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I know I'm not the only person who started humming or even singing this song while watching a certain something that a lot of people tend watch on Sundays tonight. My boyfriend just started looking at me like I was crazy.

The early '80s still had a lot of wordy ads. My uncle had enough National Geographics from that era (which I was born into) to imprint quite well in my mind that the early '80s were suffering through a huge '70s hangover for the first couple of years.

Every time I see female fantasy/sci-fi/superhero figures dressed in the absolute worst protective clothing for warfare (here, let me expose the most vulnerable body parts, because sexiness!), this comes to mind.

I'm not Mexican. I wasn't raised around many Mexicans. But strangely enough, I give a shit about Hispanic culture. It's colorful, fun, and generally very awesome. Sorry.

As an Austinite, I do have to say that while I cherish my city, drinking on porches, live music, & taking in our little hipster art scene, San Antonio does has more traditionally cultural spaces on hand than Austin, especially when it comes to their museums & historical sites. And holy shit, they have some fucking