@TareX: Not where I live. Mayo clinic, bitches!
@TareX: Not where I live. Mayo clinic, bitches!
@HonestChurl: Chrome, with the same add-ons. It's faster for all of the text rendering that I guess you do, and doesn't have memory leaks. Other than that, they're pretty equal for browsing.
@mms1648: You're wrong. It's cheese.
@MazdaMania: Just wait for the MeeGo port.
@Nitesh Singh: And look at that wrist...erg...thing.
@Vakarian: You are wrong, sir. This is. :P
@Vakarian: Phew! Good thing it isn't for the most beautiful phone ever made.
@Hiphopopotamus: "iMunched on my iToast"
@bornonbord: It seems like your thing, so I'd think it okay. Especially because you don't put it in when the context demands.
@Penny: I think it depends on the context. I have my phone say "My Name [new line] Sent from me Pre Plus", because a lot of the time I'm emailing techies or web developers who almost elusively have iPhones, and it throws them for a tizzy.
@Geisrud: My aunt does that on Facebook. Or, as she considers technology, F4c3b00k.
@oddfish: Few. Mine's "taupe". Thanks, color-confused Audi.
@grok666: He'll get revenge. He always does. Via bitch-slapping, with claw. While sleeping.
@FaceTimeSmoke: Not related, but when chatroulette starts working on the iPhone, you should change your username to "FaceTimeStroke."
@viperacr133: How are both of those? I just have 4.
@Time Pilot AKA: Stumbleupon, then ask for only magazines or newspapers.
@Tommy Five: I used to take my cat for walks. He didn't like it so much...he got too distracted making all of the neighborhood dogs go crazy. Especially the shih tzu. How I hate that shih tzu...
@MacAttack: And "Playing with kitty until he decides to attack me because he feels like it". Stupid cat...it hurts too. 14 pounds of not-declawed kitty beefcake is difficult. (He's not fat. Srsly, beefcake kitty. His torso is a good14-18 inches.)
@CamJN: I have 45 and feel the same way. :\
@Sturm: You're watching 40 years of TV?!