
@Travis Gohr: I think that it's pathetic on mobile phones-it's much more suited to a large screen, like a laptop, or even better, a TV.

@InsanePenguin: Nobody can take down Cyanogen. I'm surprised he doesn't have a knockoff person that's like Negonayc or something.

@Time Pilot AKA: Didn't they send him a cease-and-decist letter? Maybe it was HTC. Somebody, I think...Oh I think it was HTC, because he was doing some modification of closed-source code or whatever.

@Time Pilot AKA: I love that guy. I wonder if he's meandering around the comments on here with some funky-ass name.

@AreWeThereYeti: I have one of those awesome iGo/ThinkOutside portable folding bluetooth keyboards, but they don't work with anything that isn't Windows Mobile or an iPad (I assume it'll work with the iPods/iPhones that support bluetooth keyboards). I tried it at Best Buy, and at first they were curious of me hooking

@SkelatorDan: Either that, or Apple's testing how people react to a major product shortage like this.

@Nick: Very sure. It's not worth it.

@FriarNurgle: Minus VCAST TV. That had real potential, but it was in crappy phones and twice as expensive. If they can have VCAST TV for, say, 2 dollars per channel, then people can pick-and-choose what they want.

@tande04: But negated with the Froyo update.

@tande04: Droid 2Droid X. Physical keyboards are important on Android, and not just for text entry (Swype's for that). All of the quality emulators and stuff going around (GBCoid FTW!) are soooo hard to play on a touch-only phone.

@AreWeThereYeti: Froyo is tempting me to go back to Android. WebOS is so great though-I'm conflicted. Especially given the fact that Verizon is giving customers with upgrades in 2010 (that's me!) an early-option thing to allow then to get Droid X's.

@Brazell: I mostly liked it (back when I had Android). My old phone had first-gen Android hardware, so the HTC keyboard (Droid Eris) got slow and laggy if I wanted to bang out a text while web browsing.

@Nick: The N1 doesn't have dual mics. It has a discrete voice chip for separating the noise and amplifying the person's voice. I honestly don't think that the dual-mic setup works that well. My brother has it on his TouchPro 2, and sure it makes him sound clearer in noisy areas, but it reduces the volume/quality of

@Brazell: It could play 720p with its HDMI-out.

@webdevmike: How do you like Froyo? I jumped the Android ship to WebOS a couple of weeks ago after being so extremely frustrated with my (now-defunct) Droid Eris and Verizon.

@Lord_Data: I think that picture kind of has to be real—what use would a pure, great article likes be if the pictures were photoshopped to look like a scene from Avatar?

@sid9221: Srsly. Isn't this what got Giz in trouble the first time?!