
How dare you not share the same elitist opinion as this noble internet commenter!?

It's listed as $4.99 for me (CAD).

Nice. I'm in the wrong business.

And your rates are based on a base salary of 150k+/year?

Yeah, they do. Do a little googling, the numbers are out there.

Where are you getting that $600/d figure from?

YouTube partner money.

YouTube partners. Google it.

Yes, it is. The low estimate is that he/they make about 350k/year.


Nice try Gamestop marketing team.

Wait, there is more than one dubstep song??

You said you were making a flash game for iOS, not that you were making a flash game and then converting it into a format acceptable for use on iOS. Yes, it is common knowledge that iOS doesn't support flash, so you can see why I was confused that you claimed to have a flash game on the App Store.

Did you even read the qoute? Was Mass Effect in the indie channel? You're deeply misunderstanding what Mr. Johnson is saying.

Probably because it's compiling it into a format that works with iOS? iOS doesn't support flash, I'm not pulling this out of my ass.

Care to elaborate?

Why do Asians turn red when drinking? Science can't explain why they are the way they are!

Fail troll.

iOS doesn't support flash...

We all do.