
Only on iOS.

My blatant sarcasm just went way over your head, didn't it?

I liked Blizzard way before they were mainstream.

Josh Mosqueira was the lead designer on Company of Heroes. Diablo is in good hands.


Definitely a day 1 purchase.

Yeah! *Goes back to 3DS ports*

Getting kinda bored of this IP.

...I do

Minority on Kotaku? Definitely. Not a chance worldwide though.

Not really a fan of the dual sticks, I'm pretty comfortable with all-touch controls these days.

I don't like the Resistance franchise, and they only mobile gaming I do is on my iPhone.

I'm dead serious. Stand on either side of the frickin door, I don't want to have to tell AI what do do in an FPS. Casting magic missiles and done-to-death black hole spells is super lame, just gimme my rifle and watch me ROLL.

Lose the squad play and the fairy powers and I might enjoy this game.

Dear god.


I think it is really cool to dislike things because they are popular.

Of whether or not I'm going to buy the console?
