
Only on iOS.

I didn't even know something called game+ existed/still don't know what it is...

Didn't you know that clever CG trailers that go surprisingly well with a sweet piano solo = guaranteed good game, right?

Who else spotted the half-assed camera ad disguised as a news article?

And tentacles.

That's nothing compared to the years of work The Eye throws out on most of their games.

Kristen Perry really phoned this one in.

A shitty OS paired with an even shittier controller. Cupid really nailed that one.

Not relevant to this article, but GOTY is thrown around so much these days it has lost all value, much like NYT best seller.

I try to pretend that Valve isn't responsible for the L4D franchise.

Ouch, I didn't know you Euros were getting shafted like that.

All this means is that they want to follow the map pack root that rakes in the green for ATVI/CoD.

Looks like my money is going to CoD.

If by cheaper do you really mean more expensive?

...install it.

What was so spectacular about that trailer? Probably the most generic thing I've seen all year.

Looks like a polished mod, not going to buy it though.