
Outstanding Achievement In Movies, Miniseries, And Specials is a tremendous category! shame that Avclub didnt review episodically The Honorable Woman nor Wolf Hall. Between those two, The Jinx and Olive Kitteridge (not having seen Bessie) i think this is the one im looking forward the most.

Drogon like Pinot Noir. Oh so close and yet so far.

Both Manhattan and Masters are similarly sciency and good… i believe the showrunner of Manhattan wrote for s1 of Masters… i hope you enjoy it :)

It had a weird stretch where it was ALL OVER THE PLACE à la AHS but there are few shows doing the level of character work Masters consistently did last season… plus anyone will tell you the first and last few episodes were terrific and it actually had some of it's best episodes this season.. I do hope it gets it's

'Sally spends most of the episode falling for Danny’s charms and manipulations. I’m still waiting for this show to realize it has someone as talented as Sissy Spacek and start to use her as more than just a vague motherly figure.'
How underused Sissy Spacek is, specially when they nailed the mother-son dynamic with

No, winter is gone :(

I'd been following the Winter HBO line up (Girls, Togetherness, Looking) which I freaking LOVED! I totally need to catch up with The Affair which seems to be emotionally right up my alley, also need to catch up with American Crime but goddammit life is too short for Hulu commercials!… I'm watching Bates Motel which

I need both in my life. I love Winter HBO.

Early January… I liked it, it wasn't the 'most amazing thing ever' but I liked it enough to wait for the second season.

Hey! sorry to answer so late… I can't remember perfectly what happened in the finale but I remember getting annoyed about how lazy the bedside confession was and how contrived everything felt. And in retrospective i remember having such a good fun with the first few episodes that even the final episodes couldn't

On the contrary I'm loving it, It's fast enough that I can clearly remember how small details from past episodes affect the story, plus if i can't watch it one day I'll already have the review to fall back into.

huh, I feel very contrary about the women on the show. Khutulun feels like such a wish-fullfilment character, I can't help to roll my eyes at any indication that obviously SHE HAS IT ALL. It's a shame though because the actress does have great charisma and is a bright spot on the show.
About Mei Lin , god, is there

I know the Indian Ocean thing you mean and it was absolutely amazing! It definitely pulled me back in but in hindsight it was the only thing that pulled me back in after the first few episodes … I loved Frances O'Connor very much as well… Is Babylon a good show? I just really want to jump into the SundanceTV hype

I loved so much MoS this year despite all its flaws! few shows have the guts to pull off such experimental episodes as Fight and Asterion, and despite whatever shitty review Below the Belt got, Bill Masters was the most complex TV character this year by miles even when the writers took the risk of making him wildly

In UK it's already in the 7th out of 8 episodes, and I feel like it was pretty much the most disappointing series of the year … You know how True Detective managed to feel like something else/ more than just another cop show for most of it's run? The Missing goes full CSI after the first few episodes. That's a shame

Can we have a Hannibal backslash already ?

I can't believe I've seen most of these shows. Whatever else I did this year. OINTB and The Leftovers being ranked so low hurts too much though.

it's not only tv though… You usually hear the same about bands, books, movies e.t.c… Maybe we should reach the stage where we are capable to understand that commenters are unreliable narrators love to get excited about stuff and start understanding why are they excited.