@wopper: my thoughts exactly, cheering for bakelite instead of penicillin is downright ridiculous
@wopper: my thoughts exactly, cheering for bakelite instead of penicillin is downright ridiculous
Some people should not be allowed to procreate, period.
@Lupison: Google has launched GO, its own programming language some time ago... but it's far from this kinds of achievements...
I can't believe that he didn't wipe/zero fill his drive after such a horrible framing. What a dumb moron
I believe it's the future for microsoft because this promising piece of hardware might just kick them back to the innovative section and out of the sheer banality and plain boring of their current hw offerings, KIN was DOA, Courier was shelved... The actuall lasting appeal has yet to be seen, looks good on paper and…
@failtroll_is_fail: It is a miracle and no you are not "disapoint", you are tarzan.
Blasphemy!... to quote Bartholomew "Barley" Scott Blair: Any decent church would have burned you bastards years ago.
@P3nnst8r: Professional Commenter: eggxactly what I was thinking
@gemcosta: unicorns and dragulas, but we know why :) Good move Mr Google, competition is better for consumers
Google stole this, google stole that blah blah, friggin' fanboys, your god (Jobs) never made such claim and if he did he would have to hold it with proof. What I would love to see (but I never will 'cause this is business and not showing off) is Google bitchslapping this bigmouthed fanboys and hipters with…
@DarqWolff: Hmmm, I get your point, but when the bitch becomes all paranoid, jealous and egocentric you just have to cut her loose before she gets the best of you... and your children
Being "good neighbor" should be all about (good) pr0n sharing anyway :P, besides he never forced them to look into "his" computer now did he?
"death grip" ???!! fer christs sake, how about natural o normal grip?, good for Apple that fanboys will bear with it and the ridiculous call drops in AT&T, talk about a bunch of fanatics.
Just led them breed together people, darwin will have the last laugh
thank you.
@Kizler: No point in supporting those standards if you cannot stream or direct output via HDMI out of the mobile phone. This will be possible on new Nokias N8 upwards, HTC Desire, Samsung Wave, Galaxy S (via DLNA) and other top of the line handsets
@qiuness: So that your and every other working american tax dollars bail their asses out so they can fuck it up somewhere else?
zOMG! ... do like, why doesn't it include rockets and an IR sensor to track movement! ... want a WAR-Droid... wreck havoc from my own desk!
I'm toatally in for more technology in soccer, use lasers to determine offsides and such. The problem is that the fifa is full techi-impeded old farts
@Dave Butts: It is incomprehensible to you, not to the people that rather have an open full-fledged linux distro on non warranty voidable hardware tinkering device. Not everyone is looking for a myriad of ifart apps, or having someone dictate what we can or cannot do with OUR hardware. And FYI the beagleboard with…