+1 for the use of “ruminant coitis”
it’s not too hard and its lots of fun. Start as an Irish Duke and work towards uniting Ireland then the UK.
Calling out the blatant double standard applied here is absolutely appropriate. These white guys get to be “morons and jamokes and dinguses and slow-witted white dorks” treated with kid gloves whereas black folk are always “thugs and gangsters” and muslim folk are always “terrorists and fundamentalists”
I can! It was Curiosity landing on Mars with a freakin’ sky crane!
If you want the best chocolate in the goddamn world, you need some Whittaker’s from New Zealand. http://www.whittakers.co.nz/
“no way she’d be an object of heated romantic interest in the real world” dude has clearly never been in the real world in his life.
Maybe she’s poor/cheap/homeless/travelling on the cheap and wanted to use the library’s ‘free’ electricity?
Same reason I had to drop out of Philosophy 101
“Women are socialized from birth to recognize and respond to it. Men are not.”
“There was also this time, when after no one at the company getting raises for several years (mostly due to the nurses and their union striking every couple of years making insane demands... thanks nurses)“
You have every right to complain. The system is broken. It won’t fix itself.
You probably don’t need me to tell you this but fuck any country where you can’t make enough to live on in legal services, publishing or as a substitute teacher and have to work a second job to make ends meet. You people are getting fucked.
Also iBooks please! harvest all the sweet sweet commission monies!
I love this show but the spotty scheduling really made it hard to follow. it was on for a couple weeks then off for three then back for one, off for two.
Dolphin assisted birth is stupid. My racoon assisted birth program is way better and will be launching soon now that we’ve sorted out the Rabies issue.
The right only hates welfare that isn’t directed at corporates.
That’s Activision paying more than WB for advertising for you.
I read a really interesting story on this recently. It was a Somali guy talking about working in an informal corner store in a South African shanty town and dealing with rude customers. He said his customers are the bottom of the social pile in SA, very poor, often under/uneducated and frequently jobless. The only…