
I've had the same issue with all of the Bit.Trip games. I just don't agree with their design philosophy that a game should be frustrating in order to be fun. I realize this is exactly what some people want so I wouldn't suggest they change it just to suit my tastes. Just not for me, is all. It's a shame too because

There's plenty of good roughage in the Happy Meal box!

I know it's just a mock-up but that screenshot up top is scary stuff.

Strangely enough that statement from G4 neglects to mention such quality programming as Hurl []

If it turns out to be true well... so much for it going back to its horror roots. Looks like it's going further down the shooter route.

A very well-done piece! Stephen should be really proud of this one.

After going through the whole Persona 4 Endurance Run on Giant Bomb I just can't get enough of this series. I wonder how far from P4 this earlier installment was.

I think a lot of games that go for the throat with the whole nostalgia thing come off as trying too hard. Retro City Rampage just comes from such a genuinely good place, it's such a labor of love, I can not wait to buy the hell out of this game.

Given the highly pre-meditated nature of the crime I find it really doubtful they will be tried as minors. The planning and brutality of the crime demonstrates a really sick homicidal precociousness. After reading the detailed news story on the Vancouver Sun Times I definitely feel bothered, it's all a very tragic

"The game seems to center around two rival factions called "Paladin" and "Variant"."

Now playing

Isn't this dangerously close to Picross 3D?

Always love this post when it goes up! Thanks and keep doing them.

Sad, very sad. Just a sorry state of affairs for people like me wanting to get this on PS3.

Oddly enough, I'm more interested to know what they ate. I mean- what do you eat for dinner at Steve Jobs' house? Is it food in pill form? What?

I got this the other night and I have to agree it is incredibly addictive. Honestly, I think I've put about 8-10 hours into the game during the past two days. It just sucks you in because the game is an infinite loop of development, contract work, release, sales figures, advertise, hire/fire/level up employees, and

Daft Punk soundtrack confirmed in the game. Now has become a must-play.

I did chuckle when I saw this during my playthrough and damn it I even considered sending it in to the site.

Really bummed to hear this. Singularity is a great game that was tragically overlooked. Hopefully those that are laid-off can find work elsewhere and I hope we get to see more original IP from Raven.

I would love to play NOVA on my iPod Touch if it controlled well.