
@glaeven: with everything being so monochrome it makes using iTunes a rather bleak experience.

@BeefSupreme: or Borderlands 2 would be far more interesting than 3D Realms' scraps. My guess is this is a very cheap buy for GB with minimal cost and hopefully some profit.

Very sad to see Gearbox wasting their time with this crap when their original work is so much more interesting.

I'm sure Castle Crashers is a great game, I just feel weird paying full price for it when it's over two years old. I realize its quality doesn't diminish over that time but, I don't know, just difficult to get excited for it now.

The lack of a contract will always make iPods an appealing purchase for some (like me). Also, some of us don't wish to mix business (my phone) with sexy pleasure (my music library). Especially considering how much abuse my iPod goes through between working out, etc. I don't want to submit my phone to that.

Forget the d-pad, changing the colors makes no sense. It's for pure aesthetics. Lots of games use button-prompts and being able to see the colors on the controller is part of that. This plus the Live price hike- I don't know what's going on in Redmond.

Looks like there's many more things to love about this thing than there are things to hate. Very excited to see this turned out as good as it did! Will be playing it shortly and I can't wait.

Forget the fort- did you see that one dude's mustache?

I just use the Apple earbuds that come with my iPod. They sound fine to me. I love music but at a certain point I'm really just using them to facilitate the portability of listening. In the end it's all a matter of personal preference.

I remember when digital cameras were gaining popularity, all of "artsy" photos made by non-photographers were always set to black and white. Now, I'm noticing that depth of field is the new black and white for non-pro picture takers who want to make a photo look artistic.

Wait a minute- You want to change the controls of a Resident Evil game?

I've been on the fence with Android for awhile now because gaming is actually something I think I'll care about. Bummed to not see any games on this list. Does that indicate there really aren't many good games? I'm sure people can list some but are they as good as their iPhone counterparts? Hopefully a list of best

Awesome. I was on the fence about this game- hoping the demo can push me to buy it.

I hope they don't stop selling PSN games. It's a cool option especially if you happen to have Amazon gift cards.

There was that rumor mid-week about more Valve news coming. Hope it pans out.

Even though I don't like the game, I'm 8 hours into Darksiders and I know I'll keep playing it because I'm stupid, can't stop, and have a problem.

@Stonos: I did not click it but is that a hoax or did somebody really die?

holy hell where can i buy one of those shirts?!

As a PS3-Wii owner I thought I'd be excited for this but without having the first game to play and import a character, as well as being a year late, the news just falls flat for me. Plus, it's not like early 2011 is lacking in games. Still, more good games is always a good thing so nobody should be complaining.

I think this guy fails to ask himself a key question- is moving around, fundamentally, a more FUN way to play video games? Perhaps to some but I think it's unfair to say we, as gamers, are unwilling to do something when it's perfectly within reason to say that's simply not as much fun to play that way.