
She’s Michael Jackson black.

Maybe she can talk about her struggles with having a rapist brother?

One hundred percent black. Yay! He should make an appointment, could be interesting.

It’s the Pity Olympics. Who’s going to get the Gold Teeth?

Well, someone should have to pay for them getting pregnant.

We march, raise awareness, and console; only to be ignored when it is our turn to be highlighted. But that’s our job...

Why bother, when the baby daddy does it for them? Or that bitch cashier at McD’s? Or the bitch cashier at Wal-Mart? Or the bitch down the street, the one who’s trying to get wit’ her man?

Yes, 1993, when she was more relevant.

I’m more interested in how she feels about rapists and those that shield them?

If only Big Gay Daddy Nick could have been taught Sun Tzu’s lessons.

Guess who’s waiting to see how that defense goes?

Natasha Calvinho? That’s not really his name, is it? We all know that women would never ever defend a rapist, professionally or not.

What’s next? She’ll have her past where she was a student-athlete and accused of raping someone and be acquitted of those same charges be discovered?

So, per reading this post, the black community in those locales is okay with the movie itself, regardless of the rape that he was acquitted from?

Don’t care enough to research, but are all the children from the same baby mama? Did he go all modern, or were they born outside of wedlock? That’s important, because the community regards their religion very highly.

Any plugins that prevent articles from showing up that cry about Peter Thiel?

Did Amarosa let Trump grab her by the pussy?

Any scenes where she walks into an elevator and beats up Jay Z?

Will either of the nominees watch “The Birth Of a Nation?” It’s a movie with a Very Important Message.