Imagine how sad one’s life must be to review-bomb some game on Metacritic, esp. over some perceived “SJW”-ness or something.
Imagine how sad one’s life must be to review-bomb some game on Metacritic, esp. over some perceived “SJW”-ness or something.
Your thoughtful and informative take has no business being so far down in the comments.
As funny as this meme is, most of the time presenters are dusted with powder makeup to remove natural skin oil shine. If they recorded at home, which is likely, they probably didn’t have the necessary makeup artist on-site to prep them for the recording, so they end up looking shiny. We all look shiny, we just have…
Yeah, but at the same time Spider-Man’s appeal as a character is presenting a more realistically apathetic/hostile environment and persevering despite how rough life gets. Superman having cops like this would be one thing, but Spidey having cops like this flies in the face of the not-so-idealistic worldview presented…
“Despite the occasional tilting of this portrait, Spider-Man’s story and world were not a representation of the kind of New York that exists outside the TV screen.”
I’ve been visiting the Warzone Reddit and there’s a specific post relating to this with (at the time) 47,000 upvotes and it’s just the poster scrolling through pages and pages of racist names. Pretty shocking, they should be insta banning every single one of them.
Huh? Vikings is just a generic term for Norse people from that era. Specifically people that traveled on long boats to new lands. It’s well known that women played a significant role in that.
I think everybody by now knows about Shieldmaidens.
Finished reading and sort of instinctively scrolled down to leave a comment, but I’m not sure why. I can’t think of much to say.
I think its like how white people love dangerous shit like base-jumping or hang-gliding; their lives are so boring, they seek out the thrill of being racist for fun.
I really don’t understand the fascination that white people have with black people and “doing the racism”.
Extremely, profoundly stupid of them to literally just trace over that picture of her. They easily could have used it just as reference and then changed up the wardrobe and facial features a bit so that it wasn’t so clearly her.
My first instinct was to say, “Really? $10M dollars?”, but fuck those guys. I hate those predatory POS games. Sic ‘em, Salena.
I’m actually in full agreement here. Awesome art for what is a decent soda. I’ve probably drank about half the 12 pack I got and while I’m glad to have something different to drink, I think the Watermelon Crush I bought at the same time does Melon flavor much better. Still it was cool to see a pallet of those two,…
i always joke that blue colored drinks let you pretend you are topping off your MP. and also code red restores health.
If you drink enough Mountain Dew you can do anything.
I bet that Shark is screaming “MOUNTAIN DEW MOTHERF#$@ER!”
I don’t have any respect for any one who tell other people how to have fun and spend their own money either... but whatever.
OK Boomer