
No. Like I said, its about opinion overall, but those are prime examples of extremes. The rules I provided were not really rules, but generalization. People rarely go "not now mom! i gotta get to a save point!" for something like solitaire or minesweeper. But you get a lot of "im almost done, let me [finish this

Control-alt-delete shutdown button in the bottom right corner. Its actually a bit faster if you do it that way technically. Not worse, just different. (And theoretically, more logical. control-alt-delete menu is where power controls should be)

yeah. wasnt the biggest issue about the "World of Starcraft" starcraft MMO mod the fact that they used the name starcraft?

The definition varies from person to person and everyone argues about it even if they agree.

As a side note, I just got a powerline networking kit for christmas for my brother.

Agree with everything you say. Never meant to imply that service workers were all a bunch of slackers or anything. Just that the tipping system was original a way of lowering costs to customers and rewarding good workers, but it has it quirks.

So I'd be mostly correct in saying if they pay a delivery guy 12$ an hour(guessing) and he makes 10 deliveries an hour. The company is mostly just profitting that 18$?

Fuckin 8 year olds man.

The gallery in android 4.2 (at least in cyanogenmod 10.1) has a filter option built in now. and it saves the original (which would be one of the biggest concerns I have with a lot of filter apps)

Which makes etymology in English so much more fun and awesome. It's one of my favorite subjects. In French it's [typically] always "this is a french word, its derived from latin" ... in English, the sources of words are all over.

The way service jobs work:

I generally tip pretty well, because like you say it's about expressing gratitude. And I really appreciate not having to do stuff myself.

"It didn't carry off prey, like that likely-fake Montreal golden eagle, but instead used its talons—the same size as a tiger's claws—to kill on the ground." ... "Maybe if they hadn't gone extinct 500 years ago, we'd be watching a possibly faked YouTube video of them today, carrying off a full-grown Quebecois man."

I bought 2 from the initial batch (1 16gb, 1 8gb) and have never had any of the majorly reporting issues with either of them.

Some people argue that the "feeling like you are at the set its so real" detracts from the magic. I personally never saw any cameras and it made me feel more like I was at the SCENE (not the set). I only saw it in HFR but I truly enjoyed it. My girlfriend didnt entirely get the concept of what was happening (why I

Not saying you specifically are. But Cory Robertson's extrapolation of the "meaning" of the thing is pure speculation. Not that this is something "blown out of proportion" but any extrapolation is a guess, and claiming otherwise is a lie.

They went with 48 because it is easier to convert to 24. You drop every other frame and 48 fps is now 24 fps. 60fps requires you to drop 36/60 frames. which is 3 out of 5. which winds up not being nearly as smooth.

No but a politician could make a preference about sandwich meat and people would blow it out of proportion.

He said one short line.

My girlfriend has this dark knight rises movie poster up on our wall.