
My girlfriend has this dark knight rises movie poster up on our wall.

Im sure they went with 48 because its easier to to drop every other frame and have it 24 fps able to show in regular theaters

True. But make sure you follow through. Hasn't it been a lifehacker suggestion previously that retainer raises generally wind up with them replacing you in the long run?

I was about to complain about my mom's neighborhood. Its in the middle of nowhere but there are like 30 houses in the area. Her address always showed up as in the nearby town that her address technically is part of. Though now I search and it points right to her house. Hurray progress.

I played portal 2 split screen with xbox controllers. Worked great up until the end. Game freaked out and I never got the final multiplayer achievement (i got the rest of em) for beating the game. Other than that it wasnt that bad setting up and was pretty fun.

Oh good, Im not the only one who gets rocks in my 5.0s

I am speaking for myself. "I would imagine" is what I said.

The "appropriate" weight for a male 5'0" is 106lbs. If this is "just over" 5 feet tall... 112lbs is supposed the "ideal" weight for a male 5'1". That puts it at pretty much perfect human proportions.

Ironically, with 100% lack of corruption, communism and capitalism both are glorious. You get rid of corrupt CEO's who screw over employees to make a few dollars for themselves and ruin capitalism. And you also get rid of freeloaders who willingly contribute nothing (not talking about people who CANT due to disability

Seeing how the government has handled stuff relating to internet in the past, I feel like they would "control the infrastructure and thus everything on it." And how eager would the government be to upgrade when the time comes? Once again, notoriously bad on technology. Are they going to provide DSL as the common

Me too. I now use it as my work mouse and rock a steelseries sensei as my actual gaming mouse.

I've a coworker that will fight facts tooth and nail. I've provided him with sources for factual information and he questions it as though I'm in some sort of information falsification conspiracy set out to prove him wrong.

Wouldnt powerline networking be less secure? I have outlets outside my place for weedwackers or christmas lights or what not. Someone with one of these adapters could just walk up, jack in and be directly on the network without even having to crack/hack anything.

I'll admit, someday when I have my own place and a bit more cash lying around, I'd like to have a closet server or something. It wouldnt NEED wired, but it would be a thing I'd include

Agreed. I feel like a marshmallow would dissolve in alcohol. Gummy bears work great though.

I would assume a pretty decent sized incision. although I would imagine if you are internally bleeding from your organs like that, a huge incision is much nicer than dying.

I'll admit there are ways of dealing with it, but I'm surely not hosting a radio station or anything requiring bandwidth. The benefit to wiring something temporarily isn't that noticeable. I would prefer it in the long run, but it's definitely not a priority.

physically possible, feasible, and worthwhile would all be different. I would have to buy more stuff to make it work (ethernet cable, places to put the cable), all to shift from wifi to cable... when the wifi is working perfectly fine. Computer -> internet is fine/not limited by wifi, and I dont do any computer->

I live in an apartment where putting wires through the walls isnt an option. and I highly doubt my girlfriend would let me run a ton of ethernet cables along the walls. With the speeds in wireless these days, I'm not exactly being bottlenecked by the wifi. the only issue is when someone turns on a microwave or

I got a steam for linux invite so i tried reinstalling ubuntu because my old install was crashing a lot.