
Yes. let the controller-centric experiences be controller games.

my only gripe against mobile gaming is the controls. On screen controls work great for a while but I get excited while I play and my hands inevitably wind up sliding around the screen. having a tactile feel for where the buttons are is pretty key for me :-/ Also buttons on the screen means your hands cover a good

Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't trying to defend anyone here, just curious as all of the quotes I had seen referencing this only said private businesses.

a gadget blog, yes. mainstream media, not as much.

A police station is not a private business. I wonder how that would affect this particular case. They are not protected by what you have cited.

How is that misleading? Misleading doesn't mean fiction. It means you are leading someone one way, despite meaning something else.

the win 95 logo was the same as windows 3.1

to play devil's advocate, .exe files are windows specific, so of course only windows tablet will be able to do it.

the present beware. the future beware.

worst case, its a good start of proof of concept. we have a computer in glasses format. Def has a ways to go before its fully ready for being implanted into my brain.

"The A6 processor inside Apple's iPhone 5 mobile phone is a dual-core Cortex-A15 manufactured for Apple by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. in its 32-nm HKMG manufacturing process, according to analysts at Nomura Equity Research. " -

And I don't consider the screen a magical revolutionary upgrade.

founded. yes. now they own less than 1% share and have no real interactions other than through the A6. and considering all the ARM competitors had pretty similar sized gains moving from the cortex a9 to a15, im just guessing that a big chunk of that came from the ARM cortex change itself.

i wasn't implying they needed to do more than LTE. just saying there wasnt much innovation here.

Mostly that its kind funny how unrevolutionary the iphone5 seems. The only super revolutionary stuff is produced externally (while im sure apple custom designs play a huge part, they're still using a cortex a15 as the base. the vast majority of speed performance was given to them by ARM, not something magical they

the connector isnt exactly groundbreaking or revolutionary or awesome.

I guess you could throw that in there. Completely slipped my mind seeing as LTE phones came out more than 6 months before the iPhone 4S. And where i lived for the past year, not a single carrier had LTE coverage.

The irony that the biggest improvement seems to be the processor speed (the connector and bigger screen aren't exactly groundbreaking) which (assumedly) comes from Samsung. So all the best parts of the iphone5 come from samsung.

"script kiddies" doesnt refer to people who write in scripting languages.

Depends on your goal. If you never plan on touching X learning language Y will never benefit you. Learning just ruby/python would be fine without learning java if you plan on doing web development.