
which brings up an interesting question. Someone not in the know could confuse a wacom with an ipad. Their confusion is going to occur no matter what. There is literally nothing samsung can do except stop making tablets for those cases, so they dont even count.

at which point they know there is a difference between the 2. They aren't thinking they bought an ipad, which the lawsuit mistakenly claims. they know they are buying a cheaper competitor. and if they are truly convinced somehow it is an ipad, then it is the sales persons fault, not samsungs.

i like that you address that there are truly hopeless situations and the cause of why you got there. These can translate to real world applications even: we deployed our code and it didnt work. so we deployed again and it didnt work. Getting thrown back in the blender repeatedly, one of the times its going to be

slower network? its 3g speeds are the fastest in the US. And considering sprint doesnt have it's LTE network up everywhere yet, switching to T-Mo is actually a speed upgrade for me.

2x 23" (1920x1080) at home.

But having the change on hand ready to count is a bit different than someone who gets to the front of their line. has everything rang up. and then pulls their wallet out of their purse.

Although it is clearly an indicator that samsung isn't causing apple any financial issues. the galaxy s 1 (the most copy-ish of the bunch) didnt really do that much damage to iphone sales. So how many people were truly confused about the 2 devices? Which is an important part of design patents.

Apple: "Our target demographic are people in the 'too stupid to not tell the difference between samsung and apple' range."

No idea. I haven't had an HTPC for a while. I just know XBMC now the de-facto HTPC setup because win7 media center is pretty much a joke (with many of the reasons you gave as examples)

Thats not a problem. the problem is people who write paper checks instead of debit cards.

Not using Windows 7 media center... XBMC...

I most certainly have made bad buying decisions. I just don't impulse buy on things more than 25$ or so. And i'm fortunate enough that if i bought something for 20$ and never use it again or it doesn't work, it doesn't matter.

Anything I'd have regretted buying was cheap enough that I forgot about it within a week. Anything more expensive I generally do enough research on because I'm paranoid. I guess I'm just lucky.

Logic isn't exactly a strong suit for fanboys and people who get into fights over video games.

I havent paid that much attention to borderlands 2 (although borderlands 1 is my highest played game on steam), so that sounds super exciting.

if they added the infinite depth dungeon people would just cry that they are copying off torchlight.

the speed run achievements are 1 hour per act. 4 acts. Thats at least 4 hours a playthrough (you most likely wont get even close to the 4 hour playthrough if you are playing with difficulty appropriate level/gear). Going back at level 60 through normal mode, one shotting/avoiding everything and popping movement

Wow. I didn't realize tink from the guild could pull off a tween show.

This was one I found myself at best buy.

Spot the person who is just browsing/knows what it going on