
I was reading something about Android / Ubuntu cross breeds concepts(?) that can do that. Since they share the same linux kernel and all it doesnt require a reboot or anything. Obviously whatever you want on the desktop end would have to compile to ubuntu arm.

Well, not specifying surface but: under ideal circumstances, if the x86 tablet was able to do everything your laptop could do speed/battery life-wise, would it be worth ditching the laptop?

Fair enough, but the HP slate was still a slow PC, whereas the ipad was a big/fast iPod. It's all relative I guess.

I deserved that. Watched the video, was perusing comments to see how many people noticed that they called it "remote controlled." Saw something I felt was easily googable (they never mention the opponent in the video, just "get rid of jeff brandes"). I assumed the guy i was replying to wouldnt be asking if it was in

Although I think we're up to a generation of processors where a full x86 processor in that size package would still be fast enough to handle anything the ipad can. I would love to be able to have a tablet as one would use an ipad now, and then attach a bluetooth keyboard/mouse to it and have it behave as a laptop.

It'd actually be interesting to see. I'd be willing to be that most people that bought the first wave had either macs or iphones/ipods as their basis for buying one.

one of the main reasons apple was that capacitive touch devices were just becoming available at the time.

software I won't bother to argue too much. Agreed. but the form factor seems pretty intrinsic. interactive tablets seem like theyve been around in concepts for quite a while (and even crappily produced for a while).

The precursor to iOS?

I feel like if ipad had a Pro version (basically a touchscreen MBA) I'd totally want one.

Jeff Brandes appears to be republican, so I can only assume its a democrat ad.

Remote controlled means "controlled remotely" as in "controlled from somewhere other than where the object being controlled is".

I thought it wasn't being run in autonomous mode at the time. and it was the fault of the google driver. Either way, kinda funny.

but the tablet form factor isn't anything original. it just never was feasible until capacitive touch (and thus finger input) was viable. So if anything apple was simply the first to merge capacitive and tablet (that I know of). Also, having a raging crowd of fans that will buy anything apple labeled doesn't hurt

I guess they'd have to do it mars status, with an orbiter and surface unit. or maybe orbiter + surface unit tethered to below ice unit

agreed. I feel like he assumed "alien contact would make people automatically revote for obama because he was coincidentally presidnet when it happened" whereas discovering aliens would have a huge impact on the election for reasons pertaining to foreign relations and policy

would the ice refreezing back over the top of it cause radio interference?

"Sprint: Hit the data cap, go ahead and try."

I'm on sprint so data caps don't matter, but I got an SGS3 and Sprint LTE hasn't hit my town yet (ugh, its wimax all over again). so i havent been tethering or doing anything crazy. Fortunately I work at a place with phone friendly wifi.

the hidden levels 31/32 (wolfenstein level + comander keen/cyberdemon level) in doom 2. I originally only found them through cheat codes, but went back and found out how to actually get to them the legit way.