
That’s you. As an ordinary American asshole you are responsible for precisely one person: yourself. Guys like us can make any moral judgement we want, and make as big a show of it as we want, partly because we don’t matter but also because we’re dudes.

Keep in mind that all this information is based on the extremely credible source: shit NickBII remembers knowledgeable college professors saying back in 2005, supplemented with basic Google-fu and Wiki-reading. This particular factoid stayed in my head because it jives with a fact my PoliSci professors mentioned: a dic

On one hand I can’t disagree with any of the criticisms leveled against him on this thread.

Incidentally, do you think any of the Republicans mourning his passing took issue with the current administration mocking him as he died? Or when President Trump said he like “people who weren’t captured?”

Possibly. However as the brother and colleague of numerous white feminists, I have never heard of anyone who opposed Ma’am on feminist grounds.

This probably depends on how important the decision is.

You just walk the fuck out with it, those greeters aren’t paying attention. The only thing that stops anyone from shoplifting is their own moral code and the fear of being caught. Employees don’t care and don’t really pay attention

I work at Home Depot. People just wheel shit right out the door. Lawn mowers have to be locked down, if it’s busy people have been known to take pre-assembled grills. The usual Hot Water Tank scam is to pay for a new one, put your old one in the bod return it, but at least once a guy actually had a store employee load

Is there a worse job for somebody with a temper problem than missonary? I’ve met those folks, and they’re pretty chill. They think you’re an evil person and you’re earning your place in firey hell, but they’re so understanding.

It’s not unenforceable. But you are going to have to tell the director that you can’t do that. And you’re gonna have to make a big enough stink that costume guy learns what’s in your contact and he can wave off the next director.

Dude, there’s no way the directors knew her contract. TV directors get hired do one episode at a time. They’re only in the building for the 9 days their episode films. During Season 3 they had 8 different directors. Toye only directed one episode of Lost in his entire career, same with Barclay, Gaviola managed two

If you don’t defend your copyright EVERY TIME...

So she got one contract, which may (but may not have) had what she wanted regarding nude scenes in it, a few years into it they offered her a new contract (which also may, but may not, have had a nude rider), and she’s supposed to negotiate? Dude, have you ever been a 27-something on your second contract?

Dude, when she was hired by Lost she wasn’t a big-name actress with six-figures-an-ep clout. She was an extra. Check out her filmography. So I doubt she had a lawyer to read the contract and tell her what it meant.

They try. There’s a whole form you have to fill out that ensures they use the right tax table. It’s called a W-4. The problem is figuring that out from the info you can give your employer is extremely hard.

What country are you from?

They mostly could though. Lots of countries have no-return income tax policies where the government either auto deducts from payroll or sends you a bill rather than have you calculate it yourself. Then it’s only your responsibility to contest the amount owed if you believe it is incorrect (though for the vast majority

American taxes are fairly complex. If you have an income of $20k, for example, your taxes should be roughly $1k. But if you’ve got a wife and a kid that’ll wipe the taxes you owe out and qualify you for our version of the European Welfare State “refundable tax credits.” If she has income the numbers go all screwy. If

That sounds like my store. If you come before 8 there’s not a lot of other customers, and the one guy who can help you is generally free, but if you come there betwen 8 AM-7 PM you’re screwed because the whole damn town has had that idea. They aren’t going to pay two $15 an hour people when one will do, so you better

Strategy changed.