
Holy shit...the media blew something out of proportion with sensationalist headlines? Get the fuck out.

Oh, you mean the reason I don't buy Sony?

Receding hairline is's what I call the 'Shiny Forehead' that is the true giveaway. Given the amount of light reflecting off his dome...I'd say he's got it.

Haha. Alpha's was not Heroes season 1...but it also wasn't Heroes season 4, so that's gotta count for something.

It's probably for the best, if you were that easily influenced you might have also drank bleach when the guy on TV told you to.

Poorly worded comment is poorly worded.

"Okay class, I had this whole interactive presentation planned but then it donned on me I could just call the developers. So they sent over this sheet of calculations. So read that for homework and now I'm just going to read out of the text book for the next hour."

Did it have giant clanking robot testicles? Then no, it is not more ridiculous than a Michael Bay film.

Hammock district.

Oh Comet

You just can see the mine field.

Somewhere Mark Zuckerburg is thinking up a clever alias whilst listening to a NIN album. Oh and if someone wants to hit me up

I think she may have been my first boner.

Think about this. The Island is one of Bay's lowest grossing films domestically, it was also creeping up on relevancy and thought provokment. He learned his lesson and gave us the Transformers trilogy.

Well, if Transformers 2 had twin ghetto stereotypes and robot testes, I say he's got an Asian transformer that can't drive and a lady robot who hides LeBeouf in her vagina at some point in this one.

I'm traveling to Vancouver next week. I am a Canadiens/Flames fan. This is the worst possible Stanley Cup final for me. Look for a headline next week "Calgary man arrested in Vancouver for throat punching spree". Ughhh.

Her very political existence is an affront to common sense, facts, knowledge, education, good will, politeness and puppies. Palin is an idiot. Not in the "oh I disagree, so she's dumb" way. No, she is dangerously misinformed. My favorite email to come out thus far is the one in 2008 where she praises Obama on his

Perhaps this game takes place in 1993? Did you ever think of that? If you'll excuse me I'll be taking chill pills and washing them down with a Zima.

Better be able to carry my virtual console forward.